
About this time every year I write a “State of the Blog” post usually going over how horrible a blogger I am and how little I write, and how many of my preferred blogs have either gone stagnant or disappeared altogether. This time, I thought I might write something of what I look for in a blog, and what prompts me to make them a favorite, or bookmark them, etc.

I spend a fair amount of time reading blogs, simply because it’s easier than trying to get into a book or TV show before I have to get up and perform some task at a moment’s notice. I enjoy blogs, especially those in which the author spends some time discussing how things went in a certain event in their lives, or what they observed that day. I don’t usually have to know details of the city they live in, or the neighborhood they are writing about, because more often than not, their situation is applicable to most any city or neighborhood if one concentrates enough. With as many people as there are in this world, most situations have recurred in different locales, just substitute the names of the participants. It’s interesting to see how this person or that person handles said situation, which also says a lot about their character.

I also like themed blogs, where the author is writing on one topic in particular, as opposed to a general autobiography. Blogs such as these that I have bookmarked include blogs on gaming, hacking, computers in general, biology, and even pets (cats, to be specific.) Many times, the author of these blogs with have a link to their own more personal blog on the side, for those who wish a more intimate peek into their lives.

I become attached to the blogs as I read them, as I’m sure most people do. It’s only natural after reading so much of a person’s life to begin forming something of a bond. Even though they don’t know you unless you leave notes or emails, there is still an affinity that happens. After a time, when they post bad or upsetting news, I feel compassion for them and usually leave a note to that affect.

I usually prefer more mature bloggers overall. I do have a number of younger bloggers bookmarked, but not many. There are two that I have that are simply there because of the entries they write concerning their antics in school or elsewhere that make me laugh out loud. It’s fun to be reminded how silly one was during those years.

Then there are those that I tend to avoid. Primarily, these are blogs in which the author NEVER has a good day. Also blogs filled with emo poetry, or constant foul language directed at almost everything. I cannot tell you how many blogs I have gone through that had more than 300 entries, only one of which was happy or even content with how life works. Constant bitching about parents, significant others, work, money, politics; none of these find their way into my extensive list, because there’s simply nothing enjoyable about reading them.

This is not to say these things shouldn’t be written. Far from it! One of the original reasons for posting a blog is getting things off one’s chest and hoping to find others that either agree or at least sympathize. There’s nothing wrong with venting in a blog. Lord knows I’ve done it a time or two. But when the blog in question is filled with entry after meaningless entry about nothing but hate and venom, I’m not going to read very long. All of my bookmarked faves have had their moments of depression and unhappiness and I’m more than happy to read it and offer support. But when that’s all you write, I’m not going to read it.

I try to avoid such entries, honestly. And I know I’ve failed on more than one occasion, like I said, we’re all entitled to moments of emotion. But when I’m in those moments, I try to post a video to punctuate how I feel. Posting a poem or lyrics tends to fall on deaf ears, but post a video and allow the readers to feel what you are feeling using music, and suddenly things take a different tone entirely.

All of this having been said, I went through cleaning house with my bookmarks the other day, throwing away a good number of those who quit writing new entries. I even threw a favorite away because that person’s blog has turned into the exact same thing I just wrote about. Who knows? Maybe things will change and I’ll add them again.

Either way, keep blogging. And take care of yourselves.

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