A long week of wait and work, but finally, amongst the throng of text and type, i’ve managed to escape away, just briefly, and once again lock down a piece of my life in the color of opendiary.
Its difficult, going back over the 10 day span or so, and recalling the devout moments which brought about instant giggles, hate, and even promise…but still, that is the whole point of this, is it not? so lets see just how well this fading memory of mine holds up.
-I went to the movies and saw underworld two. Oh my god kate beckinsale naked. Enough said, go see it.
-The rest of the weekend was gaming and girls, as per the usual, and thing didn’t really pick up to anything memorable until this week.
First, Sean managed to unearth my diary via the internet. +10 bonus points to the boy and his genius, and an additional +10 for the scared look on his face when he realized that if the rest of the "circle" found it, they would find the little pieces of the drama which i sequestered away into this dark heart of mine, and which he definitely did not want them to find out about.
Thus, he told me how to change a certain word or phrase so i could not be searched so easily. That entire concept makes me giggle. (+10 bonus points to the reader who can figure out what on my main page has changed)
In other news however, T mentioned to me earlier this week that it was chinese new year this weekend, and thus she was going back how, and as such we wouldnt be able to hang out.
So i began ambitious, gave her a bit of a call last night out of the blue and attempted to lure her away with E-charm and sly winks, and amazingly it worked…Dinner, a shared desert and cute things of that nature aside, we had a fun time discussing life, religion, law school, and the like.
And she mumbled something about how "she was thinking on the way over why she liked to hang out with me so much" and i giggled a bit…
She gave a 2 part answer, and for drama’s sake i wont reveal part one (the juicy one, omg!) but after pouring out a bit of her soul, she spoke again, and something about example and learning through her. I laughed and said, oh my, ms. T, what you don’t realize is that, i, on the other hand, amd doing exactly the same thing to you; the intellectual exercise of our hanging out is most always (as is my very nature) my attempt at showing and converting.
I’m not one of those bleeding heart liberals or whatever, yanno, i think violence, after the line is clearly drawn, is necessary (and here i told her about the story of Sean and me punching him in class for IMing D), but moreso, i think that a vew not oozing tolerance is not only insensitive and "troublesome" but rather, diabolic and oppressive, and thus on the other side of the line. I outlined a bit more of my moral quest, and for a moment, i saw yet another person shocked by my ferocity. Its not all gaming and black clothes yanno, not even close.
On that topic: something interested happened in World of Warcraft recently, in which they changed/added the graphics of the "best" paladin armor in the game. Its called "judgment armor" and likewise the inspiration for the artwork was inspired from judge’s robes. However, apparently this new "change" has been bothering people who play warcraft (crazy fkers…) and so some of them have taken the time to create explanations. I was bored (in tax class) yesterday, and read something particularly interesting, from a random Warcrafter at his attempt at explaining it.
"That could be attributed to the fact that Paladins are darker now then they were before. They’ve been forced to disband knights of the silver hand. And also to realize that their "holyness" doesn’t make them immune to the dark lure of being promised immortality. The net result is ultimately that they will suffer a spirtual hit.
Hence, they’ll be drawn at least on some level to darkness. Its probably easier on their spirituality to express their darkness in their garments rather than in their actions."
–Damn, did some random fool just offer yet another reason why i dress in black?
-Yes, i know i’m citing a video forum discussion and relating it to life, and that is extremely nerdy, disturbing, and no doubt walking a fine line.
On the other hand, it hit me right here, ever-so briefly. Whatever, i’m not one of those retarded gamers with muddled ideas of life and gaming. On the other hand, it can clearly be relevant.
Interesting. Very, interesting.
On that note, time to log on, and make a large number of people angry as i slaughter them, golden hammer in hand.
Cheers, all.
Oodles o’ love,
I dress in black a lot. Blacks and greys. No particular reason, I’m not Goth. I just like black/grey clothes best. I wouldn’t be thrilled if someone I know in real life found my diary.
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Loverly loverly. I would like to see you and T progress into something more, but I will just sit and wait.
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