
 [<————–a better entry is that’a’way. check it out and comment]


Well…this week has been crazy hectic. 
This entire month has been hectic. 
photo on 2012-03-28 at 11.23 
Next month is already filling up…EEK. Considering that the only time i have to do something is weekdays after 6 and weekends…it doesn’t leave me with much time for anything (after grocery shopping, cleaning, laundry, cooking, breathing, sleeping…). So i’ve been stretched a little thin AND i’m exhausted. 
Well its about to get even more hectic.
Next Tuesday i start my bootcamp!!! 6am Tuesdays & Thursdays i’ll be getting up at 530am (at the latest) and heading off to meet with my trainer. DANG STRAIGHT…i just said trainer. I’ll be doing this for 6 weeks and then i’ll finish this training session and i’ll have about a week off and then i’ll fall into my half-marathon training and Sat. AM runs. 
photo on 2012-02-26 at 17.00 #2 
{you’re welcome for the duck face}
But…i’m excited about it…REALLY EXCITED ABOUT IT! 
Don’t get me wrong, i’m nervous too and really not looking forward to getting up so dang early but this is a new lease on life for me! And that is exciting!!.
. . .
I have a few goals for this half-marathon.
#1 RUN the entire thing…yes thats right, run it. 
#2 If i can’t complete #1 then i want to run OVER 6 miles of it, consistently. 
#3 I want to wear one of those tight spandex like tank-tops and look good in it. NOT like i’ve just started out on the ranch of The Biggest Loser. 
I’m also thinking about getting some more ink work done after the marathon. Since we’ll be in the city of where i got my first tattoo i’m thinking…hey why not?! This will be super significant of this incredible journey i’ll be in the middle of. AND i’ll put my parents initials within it. 
#1 The run is for the Leukemia & Lymphoma society. My mother lost her battle with leukemia in 2004. My father passed of a heart attack in 2002. I want this to be something that will symbolize them. 
#2 I’m thinking white ink. I’ve always wanted a white ink tattoo, and i’ve definitely always wanted it to be with my parents initials. 
#3…placement. I’m not sure yet. But i’m thinking i’m the inside of my right arm. It will hurt like crap, but it will be ballin’. 
This is kind of what i’m thinking…with my parents initials within the feather itself. 

I’m also liking the placement of here…but then i think of having children one day AND my body wont be where i want it to be in 7 months, it will be close, but not exact. 

. . .
So yes: Worship, running, running, more running, tattoo planning, more running, cross-training, eating, sleeping, more worship, hang-time, youth group, more running, buying shoes, more running…..
That will be my life for the next 7 months. 
I’m also going to be a Color Run in October and that is soooooo awesome. We will be traveling a few hours to go run it, but it will be worth it! 
Its a 5k so i’ll be able to SPRINT through that junk by October…holla. 

You don’t know what a color run is?!?! Its where you wear all white, run 3.2 miles, and throw colored flour on everyone…its simply amazing! <3
. . .
Well well…not too much else to report on. 
<——-I have a more heart felt entry that’a’way. I think its friends only i can’t remember. 
I’m doing pretty good, just staying busy, and trying to deepen my relationship with Jesus. <3 

Check out the home blog: Click here.

Love you guys! How are you?!

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March 28, 2012
March 28, 2012

Ryn: Thanks for your note! I’m in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend, who is in the Navy and currently stationed in Bahrain. He comes home for leave in 17 days but he just hasn’t been himself. I’ve never done the long distance thing before & he’s completely worth it but the worry and the paranoia that sometimes comes with it is difficult to cope with. I just need reassurance that we’reokay, sometimes when this happens. lol

March 28, 2012

Coloured run sounds awesome! I’m sad that nothing like that exists here… Good luck!! xx

March 29, 2012

The color run comes from the Indian holiday of Holi. In India, it’s not restricted to a run, but anyone, anywhere can have color or water thrown on them at any moment. It’s a mess and takes forever to come out!

March 29, 2012

Ryn: You are so right and I’m trying my very best not to worry! Jealousy, not so much an issue- never has been for me but worrying when I dont hear from him for 24 hours, yes. lmao. there’s just so much to be worried about with him over there- who knows what goes on! ya know?

March 29, 2012

Adding you to friends and bookmarks! 😀

April 3, 2012

Your planner is so colourful! Mine looks mental. So much crap written inside it and a total mess, lol. xD. Cute pic of you!