It’s happening *p*


Ok Ok….i realize…I’m a horrible every day writer.  I used to be fantastic if that counts? Does it….? =)
Things are happening!!!
This past weekend I’ve had a head cold that kept me tired and blaa…but I still prevailed and got some junk DONE. I bought some sweet new bed sheets; they are 320 thread count (?) which I’ve never really cared about but boy let me tell you, I DO NOW. There is such a difference in the quality and feel when you crawl into bed at night….ohhh yes. That makes me sound like I know what I’m talking about, I don’t so don’t worry I’m not getting all high class on you.
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Wednesday I made the decision to start working at ALIVE! Alive is a student ministry my friend Sean runs that is about 45 minutes away from where I live *gulp* haha. It is a LARGE student ministry that averages anywhere from 200-400 students. It’s incredible the outreach and ministry that they are doing through these students. I’ll be starting to lead high school girls Bible Study! I’mso excited and also so very nervous. I don’t know ANY of these girls, they don’t know me and I feel like I’ve been out of the grove so long that I’m completely lost. I need to email Sean’s assistant and get all of the details from her…because I’m swimming in some deep dark water. Ha.
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Saturday night was fantastic. My roommate, Maria, and I watched the movie “Love’s Kitchen” and it was so stinking good! I know it sounds totally lame but it was really, really great to watch. Afterwards the rain started to pick up so we went on the back porch and had the fake fire going and drank some amazing Moscato white wine. It’s a very sweet flavor that makes you forget you’re drinking anything alcoholic. We just chilled on the couches and talked and listened to the rain etc. We were like “This is so lame hahahah” but we loved it…it was nice to not really do anything and be distracted by technology or the like. It was a really cool and relaxing night.
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My friend, the one who had to stay with me a few weeks ago if you remember who has the crazy ex-husband, is still going through some troubles. Please keep her in your prayers. It just blows my mind how some people choose to treat those they “love” and yet in turn throw every form of evil and vindictiveness/manipulation in their face. UGH, very few things make my blood boil to the point of seeing red, but this situation is one of them.
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This week is my self-labeled HEALTH week. Everything that goes into my mouth will be thought through and calculated. EVERY THING =). I will also make it a point to get in some form of exercise daily.
Oh yes, this is happening!!
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Ok onto what I meant to write about a few days ago and just haven’t.
I’m still completely on the fence; let me explain. I am an over-thinker, I analyze EVERYTHING. Someone could look at me slightly slanted and I will begin to shift through thoughts in my head about them hating me, being frustrated, wondering what I did, thinking I didn’t do anything, etc. It’s really rather frustrating, ha! Like I’ve mentioned before he’s 22, a hard worker, was raised in a Christian home and has a relationship with the Lord. He is very sweet and seems genuinely interested in me, which is completely flattering and refreshing; it’s NICE to feel attractive.
I am still overly cautious about his last relationship. He just ended it so soon and it was such a long and COMMITED (they were engaged) relationship that I worry I will either A. be the re-bound or B. will fall into some category of comfort. Does that make sense? I’m not entirely sure how I feel about the situation. I was so indifferent yesterday afternoon and then after talking out my thoughts to Maria last night I’ve realized that I jump the gun, like WOAH. I expect to have everything figured out in a time frame that is ludicrous. I can’t expect to know how I feel or where something is going in a short amount of time…that’s just completely irrational. Sometimes I feel that I don’t even give people a chance; it’s like if they don’t hit a certain criteria then I just cut them out, and that is shallow and wrong.
Mitch doesn’t bring up a lot of spiritual, theological questions…which I guess I would love if he did. I was telling maria that it could be that he’s so used to the conversations and habits from his ex-girlfriend that his communication with the opposite sex could be hindered by that. I realized that once I get into the habit of communicating a certain way with a male that I expect ALL communication with ALL males to be the same….does this make any sense? I feel as if I’m speaking gibberish. UGH.
I’m interested, but I feel that I’m so guarded that I’m not sure how to feel.
Blarrrg. I’m going to actually call him this week and see how phone conversations go.
Dum dum dum dum dum dummmm.
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There is also another guy that has began to talk to me, his name is Jonathan and he’s from California…he’s 27 and woah attractive.  Haha.
But that is a big ol’ NOTHING right now, so no worries on that.
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Now onto the pictures I’ve been meaning to post/take and just haven’t.
Today’s picture will have to be posted later tonight because I don’t have my camera with me.
Day 16: Something New
Those heart earrings. Those are new, so new i haven’t even worm them yet.
Day 17: Time.
So yes, it’s pretty obvious i took that yesterday instead of day 17….so shoot me. ha.
Day 18: Drink.
This is my tumblr cup that i use at home; i have a completely different one for work. I love these things. The drink is an appletini crystal light mix that is good, but a little too sweet for me. But obviously i liked it enough to drink that much….and another glass 🙂 haha.
Day 19: Something you hate to do
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I LOATH the cat litter, and yes you’re welcome for having to view the picture.
I also do not like when the counter gets this messy and i’m too lazy to pick it up and do the dishes and put things away…this is just me being real. I also hate looking at this kitchen. 🙂 I’m ready to get the new floors (these are hideous and rotting), paint the cabinets, get new cabinet hardware, etc. 🙂
Day 20: Handwriting
Well i told you, you would have to wait for this until later.
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So that is that.
Thoughts? Concerns? Random outbursts anyone? 🙂

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February 20, 2012
February 20, 2012

Ok so I am being totally selfish here, but I just got way crazy excited about Mr California…. Hahaha I am very excited for all of these changes for you!! I just recently started exercising more and at first it totally sucked but now if I don’t do some sort of exercise, I feel all ‘blah’. Prayers comin your way 😉 love u!

February 20, 2012

I”m excited about your student ministry! You’ll be great! Being new can be nerve racking, but you’ll get into the swing of things! Take it slow with Mitch. There is no reason at all to jump into anything. Why did his last relationship end? Because it could be that he really knew she wasn’t the one and he was okay by their break up and doesn’t even really hurt or think on it anymore…Thathappened with my brother. He dated a girl for 6 years and then 2 months later met the girl he’s with now that he’s planning to marry. When you find the right one no matter the length between the break up and newness…it fits and works. But also be guarded…guard you heart and don’t fall pre-maturely….

February 20, 2012

Take things slow..if it’s meant to be it’ll happen …

February 20, 2012

I’m excited about your new Bible study you’ll be teaching! What one are you doing or do you know yet? Hon, where did you find your little thingy that your earring are hanging on? I have looked and looked and cannot find one and very much need one! lol! Have a happy and blessed rest of your Monday! =)

February 20, 2012
February 20, 2012

I’m excited about the student ministry and Bible study group you’ll be teaching! That’s so awesome!

February 21, 2012

FYI: Lent is coming up. Maybe for lent you could give up sweets or something? I’ve found when I do it for God, and not just for myself, it makes it more possible. Just a though!

February 21, 2012

It’s not always easy for everyone to talk about their faith, especially when most people they know don’t talk about it… maybe the people in his life aren’t as vocal about thoughts, opinions and discussion as far as God and Christ go… maybe if you talk about it more, he’ll become more comfortable in bringing it up as well.

February 21, 2012

What colour do you want to paint the cabinets?

February 21, 2012
February 21, 2012

The cupboards in your kitchen are really nice! ^^

February 22, 2012

RYN: I think white cupboards with grey would be lovely! And it would tie into the theme of your home because you have grey in other parts as well. Because of you I’ve come to appreciate grey, and actually some of the bedding we registered for definitely has some grey themes! LOL

February 22, 2012

ryn: Thank you so so so SO much for your note <3. It meant a great deal to me. And you are so right, but it definitely helps to hear it from an outside perspective. I’m going to be sure to read Ephesians 5 when I get home tonight!! God bless you, lovely woman. xx