Answers + Video

 Well, after an incredibly ridiculous week i’ve shot the video and uploaded it. 
I’ll also post some pictures at the end of some other random things that have been happening! 🙂

Also, i love how the "still" image is always HILARIOUS on the videos. 

Here are the other questions.:

Earliest Memory:
Hmmm….this is an incredibly hard question. My memory genuinely sucks =). One of my earliest memories is being carried on my Daddy’s shoulders through our old house and having to duck because he was as tall as the door frames. We had good times together in our old small house. 🙂

How did you find Christ?:
Well….i was raised in a family who truly loved and sought out the Lord. I accepted Christ at a young age and was baptized. I understood what it meant to be a Christian and who Jesus was and what He had done for me, but i had yet to fully understand the relationship that i was to have with Him. It wasn’t until after my father died, doing some stupid things, having my mom pass away as well, when i really fully understood the relationship with Jesus. It wasn’t until i was at my lowest, darkest, and humbling places to understand that God was constantly seeking out to romance my heart. He desires for me to get to know him more deeply every day. His love never leaves me or forsakes me. Its beautiful really. 

If God said to you, "You can choose one person who is a sinner and hasn’t accepted me to come to heaven with you, no questions asked and no stipulations", who would you choose?:
Wow, that is a hard question. I know its a hypothetical one but i also know that this would never happen. The only way to enter into heaven is to put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ. But for the questions sake…i couldn’t honestly give you an answer. There are so many people who i love so passionately that do not know Jesus. I couldn’t just pick one. I want ALL of my family and friends to experience this joy and incredible peace and compassion that i have. Great question! 

If you were a punctuation mark, what would you be and why?:
I would be […]. =) That is exactly how i talk, i pause and take my time, i’m constantly thinking and rationalizing, etc. 

At this moment if money and time was no issue and you could do whatever you wanted to be wherever you wanted with whoever you wanted…where would you be, with who, doing what?:
Hmmm….I would hike, see the sights, enjoy my time in Ireland & Scotland with my brother. 
We’re planning on doing that in a few years, but i can’t wait for it! It’s going to be awesome to spend some time with him and enjoy that bonding experience.

What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done?:
This is a hard question. I’ve done a lot of stupid and crazy things…but i can’t think of any at this moment, crap. 
I’ll have to answer this later. 🙂

What is the best country you’ve ever traveled to?:
I haven’t really traveled out of the country except once. I went on a cruise to the Bahamas. It was beautiful really, but we went at the wrong season and it was boxing day so everything was closed. 

Have you ever done drugs? -What?
Yes i have, and they are SO DUMB. Seriously it is the most incredibly stupid thing you could ever do. I used to smoke pot a lot, so much so that my entire 9th grade year is a fog. It completely killed my memory and even my short term memory sucks now. I never ventured into other drugs, THANK GOD, except once when the pot i smoked was laced with heroine and cocaine, or so i’m told. It was the scariest moment of my life, i literally thought i was going to die. 
Don’t ever do drugs, they are not worth your time, money, or the effect it has not only on your body but on those who deeply love you. 

Do you believe in evolution?
To a degree yes. I think that all creatures evolve over time. I mean we have to for our environment. If this question is referring to evolution like having the human race evolving from two cells? No…i don’t. I believe that we were all individually and incredibly created by God. 

. . .

I went shooting last weekend, here is my target. 🙂 I think i did pretty well after not shooting a gun for 10+ years. 

I also got a hair cut/color. 

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January 28, 2012

Good answers

January 28, 2012

THANK YOU for your understanding 🙁 blah. ill return to comment on this entry for real very very soon <3 but for now.. gorgeous pictures!

January 28, 2012

What kind of gun were you shooting?

January 28, 2012

Oh, cool! I’ve actually thought about buying a Browning. It does look like it was shooting to the left, if it was your gun you might need to drift the sights a little.

January 30, 2012

Your videos are always so cute! Your voice is adorable. The chewing ice bit made me laugh because Daniel does that all the time and he knows it bugs me :P. Good answers. I had no idea about your parents. Also, loving your hair! Looks great 🙂 And you’re gorgeous.

January 31, 2012

Aw yay fun answers! I can’t watch the video cause I’m at work, but you are beautiful!

January 31, 2012

I <3 that book! I’ve read it a couple times myself. Cute video — I love love love the stripes in your hallway.

January 31, 2012

YAY watching your video and you definitely have a southern accent 😉 Hey! The only Francine Rivers book I ever read. I LOVED it! Great video. You are so adorable, and I love that I can see joy written all over your face.

February 4, 2012

id pick Satan to come to heaven with me.