Is it already almost monday?

I’ve been super busy this weekend but i don’t always feel like i’ve accomplished a lot. 
I’m truly exhausted. I started to do the Jillian Michaels DVD and then stopped halfway through because i felt like i was going to fall asleep standing up. I’m going to get up early tomorrow morning go on a walk, get IN THE WORD have some coffee and go to work. When i get home i’m going to do the DVD. 
I’m going to be looking up the meal plan for jillian’s dvd tomorrow at work. 
. . .
I got new new glasses today. My other beautiful black ones were messing up and just not working. So i got some new purple D&G glasses. I like them, but i do miss my black ones some. 🙂

My brother came into town friday night to talk with the family and to spend some time with us. It was NEEDED and so awesome. I loved being able to hug him and just being around him. 
He was being a little standoff’ish to me but i expected that, he’s frustrated with the whole situation that he’s gotten himself in. Man oh man. Again, it was really good to see him. I just have to keep praying for him and loving him through his situations. 

OOOOO the new "Tough Love" season has started, i love this show. 🙂 haha 

We went to a new church today, Journey. Christina and myself actually know the pastor because we worked with him at Lifeway a few years ago. It was an awesome experience to just be there and worship and actually GET SOMETHING out of a sermon for the first time in over a year. 
It was very sad though…and weird. The minute we walked in i was thinking "i feel so out of place" just because i’m so used to walking around and doing something and trying to get something finished for someone or whatever…and to just be standing there was odd. Some people came and talked to us but i always found myself comparing to who "we were" or something as a church it was frustrating. I dont want to compare church’s we go to who "we were" THERE IS NO MORE C3. ugh. The message was beautiful and completely God designed and sent to my heart in the most personal and intimate way. He spoke on the Prodigal son in Luke…and it was nothing that i have ever heard before. The Lord spoke through the pastor in such a way that was beautiful. I’m so distracted i can’t even focus on this entry haha 
I might as well just go ahead and close it with some pictures. 
I"m sorry.
I’ll post something real soon. 

Here are some pictures of my new front door (i painted it saturday). It is Valspar’s "Gypsy Teal" in duramax semi-gloss. I also mowed the front, side, and back yard as well as hung some curtains and shelves (with the help of Donna for those) and started some halloween decorations. 
I am in no where close to being finished for halloween. 🙂 🙂

Front Door Before: 
(Sorry this was taken at night, i was just too excited to wait!)

That is the lovely Donna helping me put them up!

One set of shelves is hung and once the sectional gets in the second set will be hung on the opposite wall. (I have no pictures in these yet, because i literally had just purchased them and then put them up haha. And yes i realize that i have one light on and the picture is slightly crooked. See that hideous couch?!?! I can not wait to have it gone!!! 

<p style="text-align: center; “>Lastly:
I’ve found a picture of how i want my hair done!! I want more layers added in…and instead of like the feather tips or something in my hair i want to have highlights through out my hair and then go through my tips…like red. 🙂 
Here is that picture: 
screen shot 2011-09-30 at 10.46.08 pm
So there you have it. 
Again i’ll post some real pictures soon as well as some pictures of the halloween decorations once i get them up 🙂

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October 2, 2011

I love the door!

October 3, 2011

Those feather things that people keep getting in their hair is really fun… Not something that would look good in my hair though I don’t think. I love the colour of your door. When I get a house I’m gonna have a pretty coloured door.

October 3, 2011

Those feather things that people keep getting in their hair is really fun… Not something that would look good in my hair though I don’t think. I love the colour of your door. When I get a house I’m gonna have a pretty coloured door.

October 3, 2011

random; cute pics =D that door is so pretty!

October 5, 2011

The new new glasses are also very lovely! Suit you! Love the before and after pics!