I’m thinking of writing a book…


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I know I promised entries earlier… I’ve been working behind the scenes for a bit. I have this crazy idea to write a book of some sort. I have a lot of ideas about how I want to go about doing this; but I’m not 100% sold on any one of them.


So I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about this and I think that I want to try an incorporate a fair number of my writings/ideas that have hopefully been particularly effective/creative/new/compelling.  So I’m asking you to please give a shout to any particular idea that you thought was interesting or thought-provoking.


I intend on fleshing out the idea for the book here throughout the summer (I just finished my first year of grad school 2 weeks ago).


Here are a few of the ideas that I remembered:


–         Pascal’s Wager – God punishes those who believe in things without good reason, what if YOU’RE wrong?

–         Doubting Thomas got to see evidence before he believed…

–         Why I could never be a Christian (personal responsibility)

–         Jesus the whipping boy…

–         Why not have all that God wanted us to know implanted in our heads from the moment of birth?

–         Why couldn’t guardian angels be arbiters in disputes about God’s will?

–         Instead of heaven, why don’t you go to an afterlife that’s as good as you were in this life?

–         When prophecies fail – Millerites, alien end of the world…

–         Bum offers himself

–         Create ants – do you care if they believe in you?

–         God told me he doesn’t exist – he can do ANYTHING even logically contradictory things.

–         People of Jesus’ time think that he’s John the Baptist raised from the dead…What is up with these people?

-<span style="font-family: "Times New Roman"; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; fon

t-size: 7pt; line-height: normal; font-size-adjust: none; font-stretch: normal;”>         The number of generations that passed from when GOD came to earth to deliver his vital message, and when the first Native Americans could have heard the message. Great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great….25 total greats

–         Jesus great moral teacher – forgets to mention slavery, equality of races, of sexes, a word in support of democracy or human rights.

–         Emotional fiction produces REAL emotions over NON-REAL events.

–         An atheist as the 2nd coming of Jesus.

–         The 2nd coming being completely different than what the Christian authorities expect – a la Jesus being a completely different messiah than what Jewish authorities expect.

–         Photographic proof that God doesn’t exist: did laundry and had 5 different unpaired socks.



So I plan on giving you all more information as I come across it. Again, if you think of anything that struck you as interesting, please let me know!





Other topics I’ve thougt of since posting:

– Jesus resurrection – a miracle if he’s still alive today in unchanged form. Totally verifiable miracle.

– If he’s in heaven, that’s not much of a sacrifice, is it? Took off his human suit…  

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July 2, 2006

I think a book written by you would be a real page turner. Would be worth forking a few bucks out for. Good luck! Later,

July 2, 2006

Nice. It sounds like you are heading towards the direction of a collection of loosely independent essays, a la Bertrand Russell’s Why I am not a Christian. That’s probably the best approach for something like this.

July 3, 2006

Lots of good stuff. 🙂 “Photographic proof that God doesnÂ’t exist: did laundry and had 5 different unpaired socks.” LOL! And I liked the sweet irony of the one immediately before that one, too!

July 6, 2006
