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Oh how I love irony…


‘Da Vinci Code’ ordered chopped Film’s last 10 minutes must go or face ban

Thongchai Pradubchananurat, president of the Baptist Union in Thailand, said after viewing the movie with the censorship board that historical information in the film was unreliable.

”If Jesus truly had a wife and a child, then Christianity would collapse. And who will be responsible for this? Will Dan Brown take responsibility for what he wrote? We wish this novel had never been written. It is a sadistic entertainment, an entertainment that hurts others’ feelings,”said Mr Thongchai.

Father Vorayut Kitbamrung, of Catholic Social Communications of Thailand, said the film will influence more people than the novel ever could.

”The film is more convincing, with the places and characters we saw on the screen. It will be easier for an unthinking audience to believe the story is true,” he said.



If Jesus truly had a wife and a child, then Christianity would collapse. And who will be responsible for this?

Well…if it were true that if he had a wife/kid then Christianity would collapse, then it would be Jesus that would be responsible for this.  I guess the person who let it be known that Jesus had a kid would also be responsible for the collapse of the faith of people; but Christianity would have collapsed regardless of whether anyone knew about the wife/kid.

I don’t, by the way, think/know/care that Jesus had a wife or kid.


The part that I thought was ironic, was what Father Kitbamrung said… "It will be easier for an unthinking audience to believe the story is true…" He’s right… captive audiences, being told a compelling and emotionally charged story to tend to accept them unthinkingly. He should know, he’s a priest. 

What’s funny to me is that he’s fine with it when it’s one particular thing that people don’t know anything about (his faith); but not ok when it’s a counter particular thing that people don’t know anything about.

::Throws hands in the air::

Another note, I get to go to a talk tomorrow about "Was Jesus a Fraud?" put on by the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at the school that I go to.  I hope to have an update about how that goes very soon.

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The whole thing that people need to realize is that it is a novel, a work of fiction. So the truth of it is pointless to consider. It was very entertaining though…

May 16, 2006

The bible has a lot of fiction too so I can understand why the Christians are worried.

May 16, 2006

fiction = fake. durp. why make a big deal out of something that is a figment of someone else’s imagination?

May 16, 2006

I have yet to see anyone who could show that Jesus wasn’t a figment of someone’s imagination. So, the book might as well be about the child of Alice and the white rabbit.

May 16, 2006

While the DaVinci code is a work of fiction its based on other novels which are, purportedly, non-fiction. People actually believe in the Jesus/Magdalene/Merovingian Kings theories so its true to someone. Why would Jesus having a wife and child collapse Christianity?

May 17, 2006

I’ve got mixed feeling about seeing that movie. I just couldn’t plough through the book … the writing was just too awful. Good luck with your talk! I’ll be looking forward to reading about it.

May 17, 2006

I do not understand why thinking jesus may have gotten his groove on undermines the entire religion. Never mind the fact that it’s a work of fiction- if it WERE true, why would that negate the religion? It wouldn’t change the other, more important parts of the story at all, AFAIC

May 17, 2006

I doubt the movie grosses would suffer much from not showing in Thailand. Honestly, it would be chump change. The studio should give that nation the finder and say air this as is or we’ll take our movie and go home. Later,