Mormons…One too many M’s…


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All right, I understand that you guys are just itching for a new entry of mine that is filled with thought, and humor, and biting social commentary.  You’ll have to wait.

I did see some mormon missionaries  today, walking down the street by my apartment building… but I was on my way to class this morning, and couldn’t be late. I was SO looking forward to talking to them.

The funny thing is most people would read that as me being sarcastic, while a good number of you ODers would read it correctly — I actually would really really like to talk to these guys for an afternoon.  So, I wish I had a story to tell, but alas, graduate school is keeping me ridiculously busy.  Look for a LOT of entries starting mid-June.

There are a number of things that I want to write and ask "Not Liberal" about his little series on salvation, which I may do in the near future.


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I have to say, now that you mention it, I’m shocked not to see you posting in his diary yet. I love talking to mormon missionaries as well. A good friend of mind did his mission in Russia/Belaruse/Ukraine/Scandanavia and he had some amazing (and scary) tales from his travels.

April 24, 2006

I love mormons in an “aw, they’re so cutely stupid” way.

April 24, 2006

haha mormons, wouldn’t everybody like to have their own planet to procreate on someday. What a whacked out theology.

May 15, 2006

Sorry you missed the opportunity to debate with them.

May 15, 2006

Hope you’re doing ok! *Hugs* & *Cookies*

June 16, 2006

Random Noter: Mormons make me laugh. My best friend is one, and the stuff she tells me that she believes in is just hiliarious.