
 I greatly appreciate it – it feels good to get my brain ‘moving.’:) Another question: Y would someone reject the God that says ‘it’s not what U can do for me, but what I did for U?’ Christianity isn’t about ‘doing’ religion, it’s about hvg a relationship with the 1 who pd the death penalty 4 us, once and for all – Christ was the unblemished lamb. [Ambassador4Christ]

Glad I’m getting your brain ‘moving’ …more responses and questions.

Why would I reject the God that says ‘it’s not what U can do for me, but what I did for U?’

It’s not that I believe in God, I just reject him. It’s that I don’t see any reason to think that he’s actually there. Just as I see no reason to think that Zeus is actually there.

“Christianity isn’t about ‘doing’ religion…”

There are those that would disagree with you, but part of my problem from an angle besides the “finding no evidence in support of its claims” is this form in which the religion isn’t about doing. That makes it morally worse in my mind.

“it’s about hvg a relationship with the 1 who pd the death penalty 4 us, once and for all”

If the death penalty was paid, why does everyone still die?

“Right, the sacrifices were forgiven, but God saw that it didn’t do the job – relinquish control of our lives to the one who created it. We didn’t get that we would never fulfill the Law – the Law was brought about to show us just that – that we are sinners incapable of saving ourselves. So, God used His Son, one sacrifice to cover the sins of many. [Ambassador4Christ]”

But the sacrifices did do the job – the atonement was made and the sins were forgiven…how could you say that it didn’t do the job?

“that we are sinners incapable of saving ourselves.”

Saving ourselves from what? Hell? That wasn’t a problem in the Old Testament…Christians invented it so that Jesus could actually save someone from SOMETHING.

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January 18, 2005

So why would we be created, just so when can die we’d go back into the earth? This is the simplicity of the human mind – some think that’s just it, but God’s mind is greater and more complex – not that he makes things difficult, but that He thinks deeper and larger than we ever can.

January 18, 2005

Is there wind? We can’t see it, but that doesn’t mean it’s not there. What we can see though, is the effects of the wind, just as I can see the effects of making Christ my Lord and Savior. I now have a constant hope, peace, a renewed sense of life. Not one of us was created without a purpose, not one. He knows how many hairs are on our heads – Luke 12:7.

‘If the death penalty was paid, why does everyone still die?’ Christ Died and rose so that we will have a chance to have eternal life… not eternal life on earth…. eternal life after death. To rise as He did. Sory, dont usually comment here, but I saw it was a question of yours that hadnt been answered.

January 19, 2005

Some answer.

January 19, 2005

u r the stupid person i have ever seen in my life…..with a peanut sized brain or no brain…whatsoever

“failing miserably” depends on how the reader understands’em, clearly – ok, one might reject God on the basis that there are no observational consequences of its existence in one’s life – or one might say that all that we sense, the fact that we live and argue here, is precisely these consequences … which takes us back to the question of how did the universe start out in the first place

January 19, 2005

“Christ Died and rose so that we will have a chance to have eternal life… not eternal life on earth…. eternal life after death. To rise as He did…[determined gal]” “To rise as He did” – so Jesus didn’t rise physically from the grave?

January 19, 2005

“which takes us back to the question of how did the universe start out in the first place [djenve]” Run with that. Let’s say we don’t know how the universe started in the first place. You think that’s an argument for God’s existence?

January 19, 2005

I don’t know why anyone bothers to argue this. You look for things to support your beliefs and we, ours. Neither side is swaying… It all looks like a lost cause to me. You don’t believe you have a soul. You don’t believe in a Heaven. You don’t believe in God and you don’t believe in a hell… simply put what more is there to be said? The only way we will know is in death.

January 19, 2005

You have such a high tolerance level for BS.

January 19, 2005

Just quickly, about your claim that Hell was invented by Christians…I’d like to see you prove that. Between the milieu of the Greco-Roman world, which had a strong belief in a literal underworld, and the Hebrew concept of Sheol, you’d have a hard (if not impossible time) proving that it was a Christian construction. If you’re going to make that kind of claim, I’d like to see evidence.

January 19, 2005

“Just quickly, about your claim that Hell was invented by Christians…I’d like to see you prove that.” I’ve been a bit sloppy with my words. Christians were the first to integrate the belief in hell with the jewish religion/messiah. Essential claim: Jesus saved the Jews from something they didn’t believe in.

January 19, 2005

Your rephrase doesn’t really solve the issue. I’d like to see proofs of that claim. Jesus certainly offered a salvation different from the Jewish expectation, but the Jewish monotheism of the Old Testament had a definate belief in a negative afterlife, characterized by the word Sheol. It appears early in the narratives of the OT, and appears throughout the prophets of the late OT period.

January 19, 2005

Stealth, your concerns will be forthcoming – is that evidence for the resurrection ever coming my way?

hey, “i don’t know” answer on whether the universe had some help of not is not the argument of an atheist 🙂 if you pick it up, then you can’t call yourself one

btw, are you really an atheist at core? – would you refuse the possibility that there’s some kind of intelligent design in our world? – do you firmly have faith in chance?

“Is there wind? We can’t see it, but that doesn’t mean it’s not there. What we can see though, is the effects of the wind,” Exactly. There is evidence that wind exists. But I’ve seen no evidence to convince me that the Christian god exists.

January 20, 2005

Ah yes. I’d forgotten. I’ll get it to you soon.

January 20, 2005

Given my druthers I would have rather jesus had saved us from gentiles. I can’t wait til stealth and bum explain the black experience to the brothers.

January 20, 2005

So, Jesus IS a historical figure, yes? So, who do you think he was? Who he said he was, being God in human flesh, OR was he a complete lunatic? The thing is, he couldn’t have been a lunatic and teach the things he did…that would have made him not only looney, but a,2000 years later…millions of people still following a lunatic’s teachnigs??!!? Or, was he really who he said he was, God

January 20, 2005

“But I’ve seen no evidence to convince me that the Christian god exists.” What evidence are you exactly looking for?

January 21, 2005

I have a personal question, not meaning to be rude or hateful. I love your entries. Were you raised Christian, or one of the many sects of Christianity? Or where you always athiest? Just curious about how you came to the beliefs, or lack there of, that you have now.

January 22, 2005

RYN: Excellent point! 🙂

January 23, 2005

Just a weird random comment — I don’t like that person’s screen name. If I was non-religous it would totally turn me off from God. Like I think I get the point but ambassador’s are wealthy “Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom in heaven” and maybe that’s just me being nit picky I dun know but that’s how I am

January 23, 2005

Okay, if Jesus died to give us eternal life after death and not on earth, I don’t think he succeeded. I mean, we’d still have eternal life, even in hell, so he didn’t grant us eternal life. He just gave us more of something we already had and perhaps a different destination. Honestly, all my friends will be in hell. I can’t see what fun heaven would be.

January 23, 2005

And honestly, I shouldn’t have to look for proof that God exists. I mean, you don’t have to look for proof that wind exists. It’s readily apparent. That’s how I’d want things to be with God. I mean, look at gravity. There’s obvious reason to believe in that. Give me obvious reason to believe in God. Perhaps if it was that obvious, I’d be a believer. Until that point…I’ll do without.

April 11, 2005

I’ve read some of your first few entries, and I see where you’re coming from a little better. Please excuse the recurring “but anything is possible” statement.:PI guess in the “real” world two and two will equal four. Moving on, are you against all religions, or just christianity? Just religions that require you to worship a deity/ies?

April 11, 2005

*btw, this is mainly regarding the previous entry* (assuming all religions are based on fictitious theologies) Why are you against religion(or just xtianity, whatever)other than the fact that theologically they don’t tell the truth, that heaven and hell are lies, etc etc Do you think the harm done by religion and/or just xtianity outweigh the good that it can do? There have been malevolent

April 11, 2005

acts carried out in the name of religion, sure, but what about the good it has done(also, do you think that without religion, the number of wars will decrease?)? I read some of ulo’s diary out of curiousity…he seems so…happy. His life was just plummeting down until he found christianity. The love he feels IS genuine, even if the believed cause for the love isn’t. Love is love.

April 11, 2005

Aren’t emotions basically just chemical activity in the brain? Clearly, you’re well adjusted enough not to need religion, but what about those who cannot be adjusted without religion?