Prize offered.

Note left in another kate’s diary:

I think somebody gave you the wrong idea about Christians and Christian schools. We’re not the slobbering monsters that the liberal media makes us out to be. Some of the best known scientists were born again Christians, such as Albert Einstein. We don’t reject science, but we sure as heck reject evolution, because it too is just a theory.

[Scarlett O’Whore]

A prize for the person who can correctly state the number of mistakes in that one note.

Log in to write a note

“We don’t reject science, but we sure as heck reject evolution, because it too is just a theory.” A LOT of science is theory, not just evolution, which is always adding new solid info about our ancestors, ie bones/skulls etc. Most sciences are Based on theory.

December 14, 2004

*skeptical* This seems too easy. What’s the prize?

December 14, 2004

Reference to imaginary chimera “liberal media,” assertion that this media or any media gives bad (or any) impressions of Christians and/or Christian schools. False claim that Albert Einstein was a born-again Christian. Reference to “heck” as “sure”– “heck,” too, is “just a theory.” Reference to self as either a Christian or a Christian school. Random non-referential “too.”

December 14, 2004

Notion that all theories are to be rejected out of hand merely by virtue of their theorism. Notion that evolution is not science. Notion that all born-again Christians believe the same re: science and evolution. Ergo, notion that no Christians reject science or accept evolution.

December 14, 2004

Assertion of self as spokeswoman for all born-again Christians everywhere.

December 14, 2004

Kudos leyla, chimera is a really cool word and I think you got all the problems the bum was looking for. You missed one though. The Red Irish Hooker made the mistake of leaving that note for someone else and the related mistake of writing in her own diary. Everyone knows hit don’ mean a thing if it ain’t in the Bums Swing.

December 14, 2004

Sorry, lelya.

December 14, 2004

leyla would be cooler though, you know phonetically just like that Eric Clapton song.

Hey, its cool. You’re the last person I’d expect to agree with me on anything. My feelings sure aren’t hurt.

December 14, 2004

“Hey, its cool. You’re the last person I’d expect to agree with me on anything.” Agree with? What like an opinion? These things are facts that are checkable. Albert Einstein a born-again Christian? I mean come on!

December 14, 2004

Um, I always thought that he was Jewish… Anyway…I did a little research of the whole “Einstein a Christian” thing. The radical Christian right really don’t care much for him, and he was by no means a born-again Christian…although he did visit Christian Scientist churches from time to time; most likely out of curiousity.

December 14, 2004

When the noter says “it too is just a theory”, refering to evolution, it seems to infer that evolution is a theory as well as something else. Would the something else she is referring to be christianity?

December 14, 2004

There’s at least seven, the most blatant being statement that not all Christians are slobbering monsters. Yes, that’s a joke. No one get their panties in a knot.

December 14, 2004

I count one error that is definately an error…that being the one about Einstein. At best, he might be a deist, and making that case would be quite something. As for the rest of the supposed errors: (liberal media, Christians rejecting science, blah, blah, blah…) Those are all spin. It simply depends on which side of the argument you’re on and if methodological naturalism is the standard.

December 14, 2004

BUM, I’ve come through on my promise to write a detailed presentation of my case for the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus. If you’d like to read it, let me know, and I’ll make sure to let you know where you can read it. It’s too long to post on OD, and the formatting (footnotes, etc) always seem to get jacked when I try to cut and paste. Let me know if you want to take a crack at it.

December 14, 2004

Where did they come up with that Einstein thing? I’d never heard that until two days ago when I saw it on a list of “things to do to irritate atheists.” Of course, I never hear about Christian schools through the “liberal media” either, so maybe it’s just me.

December 15, 2004

So far I could over a dozen mistakes. Some with grammar, others with information. Last time I checked, Einstein was Jewish… Later,

December 15, 2004

That’s supposed to be so far I COUNT over a dozen mistakes. Jeez, I need more sleep.

I’m not sure whether this is supposed to be a cleverly disguised flame war or just more “it’s all lies” propaganda… Either way, I’m confused.

The biggest mistake was you giving o’whore face time…

December 16, 2004

As Christians we can believe in ‘micro-evolution’ – evolution of species – that’s how we have many different kinds of dogs and bears and monkeys, etc. ‘Macro-evolution’ is where humans evolve from monkeys….that has never been scientifically proven…Darwin admitted that there wasn’t enough evidence.

December 17, 2004

That has to be one of the most asenine things I have ever heard mr Ambasador. I do not recognize your state by which you represent either. Furthermore, you can not just pick and chose what yo feel is right. Proof comes from evidence which we gather everyday. History is proof, anthro and paleo evidence abounds. Your reasoning is akin to me saying..well i like the peace thing in Christianity

December 17, 2004

or become Muslim and have virgins tickle my balls when i die.orrr howabout Budhist? ive always liked the Zen thing…

December 17, 2004

My state? You mean my ‘religion?’ It’s Christianity. And I’m not quite understanding what the issue is that you have with me…oh yeah, I’m a Mrs. I’m not one of those ‘Swiss cheese’ bible believers (only believing in bits and pieces of the bible. I believe that the Bible is the Truth, inspired by God, and God being the Creator of the universe.

December 17, 2004

I agree that we gather evidence everyday…it’s all around us. How could we not look at a cell and think that something greater than a ‘big bang’ created this.

December 18, 2004

*wonders when this mysterious prize will be forthcoming and if it involves virgins and feathers*

Dear Ms. Ambassador, A few important definitions: Macro-evolution is evolution that occurs over geologic time and results in the formation of new taxonomic groups (new species). That includes humans. Micro-evolution results from a succession of relatively small genetic variations that often cause the formation of new subspecies. ( -CanadaGirlTN

December 25, 2004

Right, I don’t have my definitions mixed up. I don’t believe in ‘macro-evolution’ where us humans have supposedly come from monkeys, but I do believe in the evolution within species. As commented earlier, Darwin has confessed his theories are not proved. I use Darwin because he’s widely accepted.

To quote myself on from a forum: Why is it that people seem to think Charles Darwin holds such high esteem in the scientific community and that anything he says to the contrary of popular belief in science will be accepted simply on the merrit that HE said it?

Science is not religion. One person is not endowed with being all knowing or all powerful. A scientist may have a revolutionary idea and be credited with it, but that doesn’t mean that everything they say about the topic is correct. It’s not like you can make a case against evolution based on other things Darwin said.

The case FOR evolution is based on the evidence that REAL scientists in the REAL world have observed and found. Not on the words of a man centuries past who feared being charged with heresy.

December 26, 2004

RYN: When I said “the boy” I meant the previously referenced “warm boy,” not so much a specific person. You had a chance. But now that you’re going back to your warm girl, never mind. *Sigh*

December 27, 2004

RYN: it wasn’t the suffering or even death, because everyone suffers and dies. he was a completely innocent being that submitted without resistance. it was rising from the dead that made it different. ~

You can’t blame god for anything. Blame yourself, pain and suffering the only way to understand what it means to be human. If there was no pain or suffering you wouldn’t learn a fucking thing.

Actually evolution is not a theory because a lot of scientist consider it a fact. Humans did evolve and you cannot really look at us because it takes to long to evolve. Look at virus’s they die a lot faster and they evolve at a quicker rate; I mean look how many times AIDS has evolved.


December 28, 2004

(1) The media does not represent Xians as monsters, let alone liberal. (2)No scientists were born again Christians (3)Albert Einstein was Jewish. (4) Christians reject sciencebecause they reject evolution (5) Religion is just a theory, but science’s theories are based on facts. How did I do?

December 28, 2004

Evolution and Christianity are both religious.

January 9, 2005

Well I wish I could claim einstein as one of ours but “I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own — a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human frailty. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotisms.” Einstein

January 9, 2005

He did however believe in God, but it is not the same God Christians know. He did not accept the ideas of heaven or hell. He did not believe in personal relationships with God. But he did have some good damn quotes! Some of those even Christians would agree with. Poor Einstien, that clock stopped on him somewhere along the way, but man what a genius!

January 9, 2005

*note in response to the above quote: Christians don’t believe God’s purposes are modeled after our own either. Although, we are forgiven our inabilities to live up to the standards of God’s purpose for us.

January 9, 2005

oh and some of us Christians are slobbering monsters 😛 That is what His grace is for. 🙂

January 10, 2005

I wanted to thankyou for being respectful in your arguments… Today I highlighted an argument that was not made in a gentleman’s fashion… If you are interested my entry regarding this is “Toothfairies don’t exist? (God in Chatrooms II)

January 10, 2005

For the record, I forgot to include the mistake of Scarlett’s statement that ALL Christians donot believe in evolution, as there are varying thoughts on this topic.