I’ll settle for a heaven that’s only as good as me

I saw the guy who wrote the books for The Purpose Driven Life on Larry King the other night…

Here’s a thought that I had while watching the show…

The guy was saying that God is perfect, and so is heaven. Humans aren’t perfect and therefore do not deserve to be in a place that is perfect.

All right, I’m with him so far, why not?

So to get to heaven, we have to do….blah blah…

Why not just bite the bullet? We don’t deserve perfection because we’re not perfect.

When I die, if there is an afterlife and a just god and all that, I have no problem being sent to a place that is only as good as I was, and as bad as I was in life.

I think that’s exactly fair.

Why doesn’t/can’t God do that/think of that as a solution?

We aren’t all-good, so we don’t deserve an all-good place…but we’re not all-bad, so we don’t deserve and all-bad place.

And any constraints you want to put on God gets you in all kinds of trouble if you want to maintain God’s alleged omnipotence…

Just a thought I had.

What do you think?

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Excellent, we create our own heaven! I like it, its like Karma. One thought, if God is perfect, how could He create imperfection?

Have you ever read anything from Rudy Stiener? http://skepdic.com/steiner.html I think he was onto something….

November 26, 2004

i like the idea of the sock god 😉 to get to heaven we have to do…. blah blah? what’s that? as for me, i’d far rather have something better than i am. with matching socks, too.

“perfect” and “imperfect” are subjective characteristics – with reincarnation everyone gets just the kinda setting they deserve

November 27, 2004

Heh heh, show me one person who is purely 100% perfect… and I’ll eat my hat. Being perfect would be boring after a while anyway, imagine doing the same things the same way all the time because you’re perfect! I’d rather be an idiot and do things wrong differently – much more interesting!

K there is nor recarnations, for new souls appear, not old ones(thats a though that comes up cuz of fear of your own existence); the true meaning of karma is what you do in this life will matter for heaven and hell; thers only one afterlife, which is the main life,. for this is life, short and in testings, whetehr you choose good or evil. ther r many ways to see things, right/wrong, good/bad

but it all comes down to good/evil,.. dont twist right/wrong with good/bad btw good/evil,.. right/w is 4example the 10 commandments,.. good/b would be if ya know that you tell someone some and he would stumble upon it, and would pushe him closer to evil than – good/bad is used, thou dont lie to yourself, cuz its not what u make it out to be, but what the image of the total truth makes it out,..

good/evil is god’s perspective, 1st time u sinned ur allready evil(dark), so therfor thers no inbetween, his holyness and majesty is that high to only see light or darkness. therfore the blood of the lamb, jesus christ is required to get to god/ btw on his good side, for he is ther to cleanse you. this cant be done by your own works, nor can u push him to give it to you,.. all by grace and love…

but if you walk in the 10commandments as best as u can, with love, forgiveness, kindness to another,.. you will be reflecting part of his light till what i hope you(many) will get saved and recieve the holy spirit, the spirit of the father, of god, throught jesus for he leaves in god and god in him. he is the only way to heaven. the devil will try to prevent you from going there,..

bout imperfection,.. everything that god makes is perfect,. for satan himself is used by god as tool to filter thouse who r good and thouse who r evil,.., not that im sayin god want bad for you, nor dont love you,.. but as longest u dont walk in that waht is good in his sight,.. ur still in darkness and yet not in his protection, he dont controll how the devil does things, but he lets him have

an open door, for thouse who r saved, in light in jesus, we see that everything the devil does to us is truned around by good to be good in our lifes,.. god is above everybody/thing, he is in controll of everything, but why u dont see that is cuz ur not under his protection and he has to seperate good with evil,.. therfor pray to jesus that u might know him, than ull understand the love and grace

god, that not only is in him creating the world, but in his son’s crucifiction. god is perfect and everything that comes from him is good and true. many of you might now see it for u look it from the perspective that is in the lies of the devil for your heart is not pure yet to see the light, to see truth,… ull decied bout ETERNAL LIFE in HEAVEN or in HELL,.. choose wisly for u dont even know

it looks like,. but when ur mad, u dont say go to the restroom, ro to bestbuy, but go to hell,. even tho u dont see/know how it feels,.. it is used as the worst in mind,. therfor u have a sens what it is, for the usage of it is harsh and bad,. im onw of the lucky ones that r cleanse by the blood of jesus and know not the father and am filles with the holy spirit,i hope you all get to it, peace

November 27, 2004

With you it’s often times so hard to know what to say, because I don’t know if you’re an emotional atheist, or an emotional atheist. Do you understand what I mean? I guess all I can say is, how you feel does not/never well determine truth, therefore emotional based belief [emotionalism] is inncorect. There is one truth, and is to be true, not just for some of us — for all of us, and this is

November 27, 2004

something, that I’m almost certain that you would agree with me on. This rules out every religion except for: Atheism, Christianity, Judiasm & Islam. To be more specific, the only “denomination” [yeah those things that Christ prayed against in Ghasemane sp.?] that teaches one truth, is the RCC, and something tells me you know this also. Therefore to rephraze my previous point, the only

November 27, 2004

religions that teach the “one truth” theory are Atheism, Catholicsm, Islam & Judaism. [also whatever the post-Islam religion is called can’t remember sorry!] [And maybe some others that you may know about that I don’t] I guess the two biggest questions therefore or if Jesus fulfills Christian prophecy, and if the Bob fulfills Muslim prophecy. If they do than that obviously scratches out

November 27, 2004

Judaism & the post-Islam religion, if not, than vice-versa. Than the importent question is therefore which is the most valid of two religions that passed the previous test? And once that is solved, the most importent question at all is ready to be answear Is there, or is there not a God. Wether or not that can be answeared, however is another story. Like yeah I firmly believe what I believe,

November 27, 2004

but I am also a firm believer that anything is possible, so no matter how firmly I believe in the RCC, there is still that little smigin of possiblity that doesn’t seem probable to me. However, it still quite obviously needs to be considered. ~Love in Christ~ ~Bonnie~

November 27, 2004

Another thought: If you take the concept of Purgetory into light, than you will deserve Heaven eventually. Just a thought, don’t klnow if it helps or not.

I’m confused. Are you suggesting there be different levels of heaven/hell for people who lived their life in a scale from 1-10 good or bad, bad being the lowest? OR, are you saying that the guy on television was saying that we get assigned in different stages of heaven/hell according to our behavior?? If it is you who is thinking this up…it’s a great idea. Unfortunately, you’re not God.

there r many levels of heaven,..as for treasure that r givin acordin to your heat>good/evil(bad)..read it in the bible,.. its not what i thought up by maself, but while in the spirit. thers but one truth and most religion have part ot that truth, but only one so called religion is truth itself, and the others have protions of truth, but yet with lies and deceptive messages from the devil to either

make ya missbelieve in so called religion, mix up truth, choose one of the religion that r in truth with lies and will lead ya to eternal death, to hell/lake of fire. what u might believe in the good of many religion is all in the bible writen, from buddism, to islam,etc. but they all have parts of truth, than the lie that leads to death, and if ya follow all the way, than the devil’s plan workd..

the battel is against the devil, it is against his dominion and authority on this earth, therfore life will come in ways to each one diff, to toose em of the good foot, with rich;poor;happyness/etc. there r many emotions that feel like the real thing, tho r made by lies and r keep alive by lies. seen through them is a spiritual walfare, yet u can see the same battel in a blurrry low laevel when

u see psychology on work, many dont see that its all relative to each other, on ground that they just cant see of lack in the spirit/spirital vision(holy spirit)…

November 28, 2004

I can’t believe some of these notes are written by “Christians”. I think some people need to study their Bibles a bit more. God did everything for you to make it easy for you to get to heaven. The only thing He left up to us is the right to choose. You can choose Jesus and heaven….or you can choose not to accept Jesus and end up separated from God for eternity. The choice is your’s.

jesus is the only way to god>heaven when i say good it stands for what is truly good > god > jesus, tho to find the way to the lord, u need to somewhat set apart that what is good/bad & right/wrong; good/evil is only to be use in spiritual masures/ it is the weapon is the tip of the sword

November 28, 2004

You now when you saaid you were Jesus — St. Matthew 24:23 “Then, if anyone says to you, ‘look here is the messiah’ or ‘there he is!’ — do not believe it. I said something similar I know I did, but that is indeed what the verse is. Praying for you 🙂 ~Love in Christ~ ~Bonnie~

well not really gettin to twhom u wrote the note christain goth girl; so im just answerin if it was directed to me, by no means i meant or tryed to come accross to be jesus, nor do i think iv written anything alike that, but yes he dwells in me; that might be some u dont get, nore truly undestand, for there r only few elects and others that r unknow whether elects or not,.. im a child of god,..

adopted by his grace in the blood of jesus who is ma saver/lord and master. many things that i say, most that rn’t reborn yet, wont understand,… well just incase it was pointed on me,… pls state next time to whom u relpy… either ways will sent out prayers for you, and would be glad if you want to pray for me 2.. peace to you & love

November 29, 2004

The key to this question lies in the nature of humans at creation and why we were created. God sought relationship and created a being with whom that relationship was possible. At creation, that being was perfect, with the choice as to whether or not to remain that way. Our predecessors did not choose to remain in relationship. Heaven is only the return to that state of affairs.

November 29, 2004

Heaven as the cosmic, karmic equalizer is a view purported by some Eastern worldviews, not Christian orthodoxy. The beauty of the Christian conception of heaven is that no one deserves it, if they sin even a single time, the unfortunate consequence of that choice away from God. The salvation of God is by mercy and grace, not by works, lest anyone should boast. (Eph. 2:8-9)

what are you saying here?That you only want to go to Heaven if it’s ‘good enough’ for you.Let me tell you, it is BETTER thsn you!We can’t create our own personal ‘hevan’.YOU don’t deserve to go to heaven!God sent His only Son to die for YOUR sins so that YOU can go to heaven!I would think that you’d be sorry for sinning and making God die!Don’t critizize what you don’t belive!!!

November 29, 2004

wow that scootz guy had something crawl up his tailpipe and tickle somethin fierce. Stealth Pdge put it perfectly when he said there is no such thing has heaven or God. well, no where for those damned, dirty barbarians out east who think thier Muhamed/Allah combo or the Hindu army of 230 million Gods or Budhist Spirituality can stand up agains the Holy Trinty. Tag team fight. who’d win?

Who would win a battle like that?

November 29, 2004

I thiink the Hindu’s. They got the numbers!

November 30, 2004

Hey Ride- I have never said there is no God or heaven. I’m not sure where you’re getting that from, but it seems you’ve misunderstood me once again. In fact, I’m quite sure that there is both a God and heaven. Not only that, but I think it is much better argument logically, and explains the all the available information about the universe better than other solutions.

Actually, we are not good. Yes, some deeds we do are good, but does that necessarily make us good? No. Sin is direct defiance of God, and sin goes against God’s nature. If we sin, then we cannot be good.

Romans 3:10-12 “As it is written, ‘There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God. All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one.”

So, if we are not good, how can we get into “a heaven as good” as we are? And you asked for a solution: God’s solution is Christ’s crucifixion. So, if one doesn’t accept God’s solution for us not being good, then what better do we deserve than hell?

November 30, 2004

I agree with the ride, heaven and god rule!

November 30, 2004

And I agree with the ride, a chiropractor is a catapult! Viva la Revolucion! Up with Skirts! The west is the best and we’ll do the rest! The sound that mistakes you is only the sound of the low spark of high heeled boys!

Biblically… there will be all different levels of responsibility in the Kingdom according to what we have overcome in this life…. and in the millenium to come. However there is a basic need…. God’s law. we cannot live on earth without breathing…as we cannot exist eternally within the universe without knowing and living God’s law.

December 1, 2004

“as we cannot exist eternally within the universe without knowing and living God’s law.” Great – so my suffering in hell won’t be eternal. I can live with that.

December 1, 2004

Hey Pudgy, what’s your logic on that little statement about the universe bein nothin more than the whime of a creature? Frankly, I find it amusing people still beleive the world is 6000 years old, that we walked with Dinosaurs and we are what we are from the moment of existance. Kinda silly. Its tales my friends. Tales on how to live, not WHY you live. Paraboles. Stories to guide. learn to chill

December 1, 2004

I think there is a lot of chatterin, yellin, anger and intellectual boxing going on here. THe problem is BUM is a heavyweight without a manager. (Sorry dude work with me for a sec on this) Stealth has the whole team. They fight with the same rules, the same techniques but it’s coming out the under dogs, the so called Athiests are winning this bout. For a really long time we gave up our lives for

December 1, 2004

an idea. … We lived on a notion controlled by men who used words like Love and Peace to harbor hate..much like now. All of it is trite in the end. What matters is each other. Our world. Not God, not worship but the removal of the need to govern by Ideas we cannot reach. We take comfort in the idea of a grand Father…yet when is it ou time to leave the cradle and grow up? Look at the children

December 1, 2004

who slaughter eah other in the name of some God? he past! look at the past..look at history. We no longer rule by Nationalism cause we knew what it did to us.. why do we still run and hide under the arms of religion. Grow up world. Find truth in each other not a book written by men who could have been no different from David Karesh, or Adolf Hitler. Find your path that brings the best for everyone

December 1, 2004

Not God. How many more must die for God?

if anyone has any questions about God feel free to drop me a note or email me at MRRY79@hotmail.com

sigh* to the foolishness, that you joke about hell. for it is eternal for whoever sets foot in it as for heaven also. and all who r not born of the spirit will be there. u can not create ya own heaven, for it would not make any diff. for with sin it wold be hell, without been set free by the blood of jesus. as if you would be in a room of happy people, and you yourself would knowdis ya unhappyness

so if god would let everybody create ther own heaven accordin to theren goodness. one dust particle of sin, would cause u to be in hell, while you where in your heaven. that is why we all have to go through this life, so he can seperate thouse who r worth to be in his(our)heaven (in light); for thouse who go there r cleansed by the blood of jesus. and thous in darkness wont infect god’s heaven

ya foolishnes is in that~you praise yourself with ya foolish question. for with non of your question, u seek to find truth but rather to act out in ways of wickedness. But yet you r blinded, not seen that you not only serve youself, but the devil himself, for you feed on lies and he is the father of lies. may god have mercy on you’r decieved soul and shine through ya blindness

Hmm, lol..I find Ride’s comments amusing…Find truth within each other?? Every minute there are people slaughtering one another who have no beliefs at all except for themselves. If everyone did what they thought was best, it would be chaos..THAT’S why people look towards a higher authority..you went to school, you had a principal didn’t you..did you rebel against them as well? probably not really

Point being,(away from any religion or God talk), there HAS to be and IS an absolute standard…A general idea of what’s right and wrong. People who don’t believe there’s an absolute more than likely break that belief everyday without really knowing it..The minute they get ticked at somebody for doing something wrong..it is broken…

because the person that just ticked them off went against what they (mr. no absolute) had an ideal standard on..hence why they got ticked…It wasn’t done how they thought it should be…i dunno though..that’s just how i see it…”heh, so you don’t believe in an absolute?? Do you absolutely believe that? :)”