‘Virgin Mary’ sandwich sells on eBay for $28,000


“Online casino gobbles up grilled cheese icon

Tuesday, November 23, 2004 Posted: 6:29 AM EST (1129 GMT)

The grilled cheese sandwich sold for $28,000 on eBay. The buyer, an online casino, will use it to raise money for charity.

HOLLYWOOD, Florida (AP) — A woman who said her 10-year-old grilled cheese sandwich bore the image of the Virgin Mary will be getting a lot more bread after the item sold for $28,000 on eBay. …”

Do I even need to say anything?

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November 23, 2004

Hmmm. So was it mouldy?

November 23, 2004

I really hope it was bought by some billionaire Atheist who’s gonna feed it to the hounds… Later,

November 23, 2004

there is something fundamentally wrong with that. Supposedly it never moulded over though. but…something very wrong with that for sure

November 23, 2004

The brain is good at pattern matching. I hope the guy did not spend $28K on an image of Roseanne..

November 23, 2004

Weird, when I saw the posting the bidding was up to 69k. Worse yet it was a used sandwitch, ten years old with a bite taken from it. You got to wonder why after ten years of keeping the sandwitch the owner decided it were time to sell. Is the virgin mary an investment that grows in time or has the price of cheese gone up?

November 23, 2004

CNN is slipping.

November 23, 2004

I will be damned, someone must have retracted the higher bid. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=5535890757

November 23, 2004

This has got to be a new low…

Ahhh religion… the opiate of the masses. What does the bible say about not worshipping false idols? How sad.

They better have gotten some fries with that!!!!!!!!!

November 23, 2004

Why does this story not surprise me? The large assortment of random crap that people will sell on eBay and the insane prices that people are willing to pay for it is absolutely mind-boggling. I once read in one of my mother-in-law’s books that some guy paid over $2 for something stupid like pocket lint or stuff some guy found between his seat cushions.

November 23, 2004

So, $28k for a grilled cheese with the virgin Mary? Yeah, I can see that happening. Sad, but true.

November 23, 2004

… Okay… I am looking at the item right now… Just to throw my 2 cents in, that does not look like Mary. … I think it more closely resembles Marylin Monroe or some other film star from back in the day. But, like a Rorschach test, I guess people will see whatever they want.

You’re such a genious. I would have neverrrrr thought of being honest! In all seriousness, I guess a lie seems like an easier out than the truth, but you’re right. Honesty would probably be the best solution. Can I direct his call to you to tell him for me?

November 23, 2004

it kinda looks like a screaming monkey. finding paterns and faces in objects is a natural way for us to identify our species..more so our mothers face .. hell..I look at my stucco cieling and i see little elves running around with pitch forks poking sinners in the butt.. doesnt mean my cieling is the gate to hell. I just see what i want 🙂 mass hypnosis. fun stuff. gonna make a grilled cheese bye

November 23, 2004

One question: What were they thinking? [buyer and the seller]

And I always thought athiests didn’t have morals… As for your advice…you have a way with words. Of course, I’m sure you and most of OD already know that so I’m not telling you anything new. Thanks, though.

November 24, 2004

RYN: Really?? Wow… Do you have any insights as to why this happened?

November 24, 2004

Re this entry: Gee, makes me wonder how much a real virgin might have sold for.

November 24, 2004

MAN!! I love grilled cheese… I had a cheerio that was in the shape of the letter O once… I wonder how much money I could have gotten for that. I knew I should have saved it. drat.

November 24, 2004

Well, if someone has that much to spend on something and it’ll make them happy or complete them or what have you (or maybe they’ll sell tickets to see it) – what’s the harm in someone having bought it for any price? Nobody is getting hurt.

November 24, 2004

“what’s the harm in someone having bought it for any price? Nobody is getting hurt. [ACosmicCastaway]” They are going to sell tickets to it – and I think it’s wrong because I think that truth matters.

November 25, 2004

In regards to your last point: Yes, I think you need to say something. Unless you mean that people are just foolish in their entirety, I don’t understand you point. This has nothing to do with faith. It has everything to do with sensationalism.

November 27, 2004

LOL! Did you hear about the jar of Branston Pickle that sold on eBay for about £150?? There was a fire at the factory where it was made, and apparently there was going to be a shortage. But I still see plenty of the jars in the shops…

What I want to know is why someone kept a grilled cheese for ten years? Virgin Mary or no, that’s just sad. And I can’t understand why anyone would by it anyway…It’s a GRILLED CHEESE for goodness sakes. I wouldn’t even by a Rembrandt or Van Gogh or any of the big artists for 28K when I can get a remake or a poster for a small amount of money. Maybe that’s just me.