
You are seeing through the eyes of your mind and your heart. There is a great void in you and you are trying to fill that void in with question and answers that only God can give you. You must see through faith , faith in his word. [Vlad the Impaler]

I would have questions for a person who believes that his chair will swallow him.   These questions are not *my questions* – they are my questions to a person in a weird an irrational belief-system.

I have another 70 years to live in this world. Well 70 odd, if in another few years I don’t see my life going anywhere perhaps I will give up on the Christian faith, but I will have given up knowing that it was in perfection not for me. But I doubt that will happen.

What does “how your life is going” have anything to do with the truth of the claims of the fantastic?

 I feel light now, because the truth matters. [Vlad the Impaler]

That’s skippy! I’m glad we agree that truth matters!

The flood was by god because god says so in the book of genesis. The bible is the word God breathed into the wired brains of his prophets.

I take this to be in response to:  You believe BASED ON NOTHING that God is Good – and then say, his actions whatever they are (commanding a man to kill his son for a sacrifice for example) are the example of an Good Being. God is good, God did action X – for God to have done action X, then this particular action was Good.

Even if “the flood was by god because god says so…” that does not make it a “good” action.  How/why do you believe that God is good? What did it take to convince you that a being was all-good?

You have to take a chance with someone. You can’t only trust yourself in this world you’ll get nowhere with the knowledge and ever recurring questions you have.
[Vlad the Impaler]

I’ve gotten quite far, actually. That’s what’s great about statements that can be tested – once they’re shown to be BUNK they can be thrown out!

Do you know when you sit at the computer you are frustrated. What are you frustrated about, the fact that the computer is slow, that the computer doesn’t process fast enough that everything goes bonkers time to time and you wish you could dash it on the floor.

I’ve never had that problem.

What do you do, well you go to the person who can fix it , its creator and that creator for us in the tragedies of life is God.

A person who can fix my computer doesn’t have to be the computer’s creator…

But even if that is the case, you have to SHOW that God is the creator of life. You can’t take that as an ASSUMPTION, and then say, “Because God is the creator of life, you should go to Him during tragedies…” 

Well, you can say that, but you aren’t making an argument.

Sometimes you can’t understand why the computer doesn’t work. For that you need the technicians. My computer is 40 Kbps , I think that is the problem why the computer is so slow.  Sometimes everything feels wrong for you in life. It seems wrong, a bird is building a nest in the crotch of my fan, my ceiling fan and it is so beautiful the origins of life in that nest. The baby birds chirping, it breaks our hearts to take down the nest, it really does , the bird is a beauty and I’m sure we’ll enjoy its company in our house. But it says in the book of psalms by king David  “ And he feeds the ravens, what is the strength of a horse to God and how puny must be the strength of man”. [Vlad the Impaler]

But my life does work…you’re the one that seems to be having problems… 

I’m not sure you question or make an argument here…

God isn’t real, so God’s strength isn’t something that can be compared to a horse.

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June 12, 2004

Funny. I wish I could be on either side and “Know” the answer. Believing that a flood will come and drowned us all in 70 minutes will not make it so. Believing that it won’t ever rain again this year will not make the rain go away. In other words I live suspended. I do know there is energy that everything is. energy doesn’t die it changes. beyond that I know I know not.

“A person who can fix my computer doesn’t have to be the computer’s creator…” Hee hee hee. >:) I, too, feel as if my chair will swallow me, sometimes. But that’s just the drugs talking.

June 12, 2004

Actually I would be questioning his credibility to argue with you when his name is Vlad the Impaler. If history serves me he was one of God’s very own storm troopers willfully slaughtering Muslims for God’s work. Nasty fellow to his enemies, nice to his people. Well.. sometimes. He does have one point. I wont say yah or ney on but don’t you think

June 12, 2004

that you spend a whole lot of energy arguing with morons and children who could never even come close to understanding the smallest part of the human mind let alone religion? At Least pick your opponents from a higher class of wisdom and knowledge. You know much and argue well, but shooting ducks (aka the lame members of OD) down because of their misguided faith does little to give you credibility

June 12, 2004

instead of using the errors in the bible to tell these poor critters how wrong they are, discuss that tthe alternative is probably just as good or better and serves humanity as a whole..not the faith of a given religion. Humanisim, is in itself a misguided understanding of the world and in no way should just be given full credibility as the final truth. There are other answers out there.

June 12, 2004

Dont proselytize, teach. It’s the only real way to get people to understand. well, that and violence. You might want to stick to teaching.

June 12, 2004

oh as for the computer problem. if he has windows XP he could do a system restore. That might clear up an errant driver or corrupted file that might be causing the error. He might want to upgrade his ram and if its an older system a reinstall of the OS might work too.

June 12, 2004

cool, I’m a profit for God. The Computer saint

June 13, 2004

RYN: I chose the Bible, b/c as I said over the years, even BEFORE I had gone to church, before anyone in my family went to church, before I cared about church and before anyone had ever told me I should care, I always had this nagging sense to read the Bible…To me, it was fairly unexplainable b/c nothing in my life had favored one particular religion before that point…so I started reading…

June 13, 2004

and believing, and as I said in my entry the FEELINGS that I have had through God and His Spirit have been awe-inspiring and UN-fakable…things that CANNOT be forced by anything, but must be real, although I know that you probably can’t understand that. (There is a long poem by In Memoriam A.H.H that speaks of a similar experience, I later found) Anyway, that is the best explanation I can give.

June 13, 2004

Running out of material bum? I agree with the pretentious snot above, the ride, Picking on idiots is not becoming. As for the rest of this nonsense it serves little purpose, I suppose it might work as comedy, but you’d have to put something funny in there. Seventy years left to live makes vlad, statisically, two years old. 40 kbps, christ, vlad is using punch cards for programs.

June 13, 2004

i agree, to this guy was obviously out matched and the arguments really did not need to be said again. i would be interested in your thoughts on Universal Morals, and how to transmit them thru the socitity with out the aid of a religion. to me the notion of an all seeing god puts a security camera on the inside of everyone. and it give reson to follow the promptings of the conscience. with love,

June 13, 2004

Vald was simply tring to point out that logic is not needed for a faith to work, the faith is all it takes to make one happy. some times on the really importante things we must take it on faith, like that gravity will continue as will the earth still rotate and spin. these are assumptions as well, the only reson to have faith is that our faith has been well served in the past. much love, kit

if there’s one thing these pedantic christians believe in is sticking to every word of their backwater bible. every word and full stop, blissfully blinding themselves to the fact that events are what matter not words and the probability of an event happening is always a million to one. These ostentatious christians vain to the brim think that some how God will keep his promises. again the bible.

The Bible is always right. I mean, the Old testament has only been in the hands of filthy sinners (AKA humans) for about 5000 years, and the new testament for 2000 years. SO there’s no way that filthy sinner like us would change the Bible over time just to make it more appealing, right? Right? [hybrid johnny]

you are right in a wierd way, I never thought that God might not be all good.

June 21, 2004

response to above noter thinking would definately help you give those of that do a bad name on the human race. Anywayz the thing with me is that us as humans are imperfect, and unconstant and everything has an opposite and if I believe that opposite is God so be it. You can’t proove the nonexistence of anything because the lack of evidence is not evidence and eveidence in it of itself is not

June 21, 2004

proof. Uggh here I go again quoting myself. And I was just trying to think wether or not I think you are hott My Good Lord my brain is random. You can shoot me now.