A response from Pain!!!

but i feel that pain is Good, if fire tickled we would not jerk our hand out. with out pain there is no fear, no fear no causion, no warryness, no wisdom, no learning, no knowledge, no reason, no debates, so pain leads to good things. [InTheSandBox]

1. It could even be just “excessive” pain that’s eliminated, but assuming that I’m talking about all pain:

I still think you’re wrong. Here’s why.

A car can have a “damage control center” or something but it doesn’t need to.

When I drive my car, I know that it’s something that I own. I don’t do things that “hurt” my car – like keeping it red-lined and beyond, or hitting things at random.

Hell, I worry about scratches – but I don’t feel pain from the scratches.

The “jerk hand out of fire” response is similar to “slam on break” response. You can have “fear” and “wariness” about something that you don’t have pain from. So you can still have all of those feelings regarding your body even if you didn’t feel pain.

I can understand why you would think “no fear” but I don’t see how you get “no wisdom, no learning, no knowledge, no reason, no debates” at all.

…Why does childbirth even hurt in the first place? The answer is simple, these pains happen due to mental and physical stimulus. There’s no greater power involved, giveth and taketh away. It’s all basic biological stimulus.[Raven Night]

This brings up a very interesting idea that I’ve been having. Many people have said in one way or another, “Because [adam&eve] committed a sin God punished them with physical suffering. That is why we suffer physical pain.”

What if it becomes possible, in the future, to impliment my little scheme in people at birth – so that a peron never does suffer pain?

Could man just negate a “punishment from God”???

Well, if you look historically, yes. People thought that all kinds of diseases were caused by God(s). But many are now treatable, and some eliminated.

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but surely the reason y ud slam the breaks on is because u dont want to fall thru the wind screne or hurt urself because u no tht meens something cud be damaged on the inside and you know this from pain if not caused in a car just generally when youre not in a car, and so the reason u stop urself from being damaged is by knowing pain….did tht make sence p.s thnx 4 ur note u worded it better:)

May 21, 2004

“reason u stop urself from being damaged is by knowing pain.” Why do people avoid driving slowly through a low hanging branches that will scratch their car? It wouldn’t cause any physical pain to people, but they avoid that behavior regardless.