LizardQueen, you just have to have faith.

and, ofcourse, everyone knows that “Holy” is absolutly equivalent to “nice”. -liZardQueen

No, but people like to say things like, “God is morally perfect”  – and when I hear that something is morally perfect, I tend to think of their actions as something to model myself after. 

If President Bush does something wrong, killing lots of US citizens is not a good way of punishing Pres. Bush. (Something like which God does numerous times throughout the Bible).

“ah, but you are a liar.”

I was testing you. If you lost faith, then you never had faith in the beginning.

and why do people always say “accept the Bible wihtout quesitoning”? i mean…ive question, and ive accepted because none of the questions were enough for me to doubt what i know to be true. if the point is to be a thinking, intelligent human being and make informed decisions, i, as a Christian, have done so. why do you belittle this? -liZardQueen

Because you’re deciding what exists based on emotions. Not to be confused with deciding which emotions a person has based on emotions (That was for you haredawg).

“i could be behind in the times, but arent Christians often bashed for wanting to change the beliefs of others? to quote thinking bum: “No, I want them to change – but the change is only useful if they discover why they should change, and then change themselves.” who’s preaching now? -liZardQueen”

I’ve never bashed them for wanting to change beliefs. I’ve just said they’re wrong – and wanting people to adopt wrong beliefs is also wrong.

“as for the entry: “so if anyone tells you, ‘there he is, out in the desert’, do not go out; or ‘here he is, in the inner rooms’, do not believe it. for as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.” (mathew 24:26-27) it is warm and clear, and i apoligize, but there is not a hint of lightning in my night sky. -liZardQueen”

You lack of faith. Have faith and you shall see.

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id like you to try to prove that something is holy.. what is holy? can we really define something to be holy? try it sometime, it would warm my heart to see you attempt it (and i mean that in a good way). i am a philosophy student and even socrates couldnt prove it! good luck! ill keep in contact

Whoa. Some of us don’t simply decide that Jesus exists based on mere emotion. Some of us have seen him (either while awake and in full/healthy consciousness, or in a near death experience). Of course, such an experience would be incredibly hard to prove or show evidence for… it would just be one person’s word against another). People of other religions may also report seeing their god. Just keep

in mind that some people have had more than just feelings… or even visions for that matter. Some people have actually SEEN Jesus (while awake, not on drugs, mentally/emotionally healthy.) Its very likely that I might not have believed in God (or even have been a Christian) if I hadn’t experienced his presence. Quite a few Christians have. Quite a few non-Christians have as well.

point 1: God IS morally perfect, but He’s also God, and you cannot be all that He is. a lot of what He does is only morally perfect because of who He is. its a matter of pre-requisites. if you are all-knowing, Holy, and the creator of everything, then you can behave as God does. thats why we should base our actions on Jesus, because He is a human adaptation of God’s moral perfection.

if God is spirit, then you can only decide if He exists by the spirit. if God is flesh, then you can weigh the historical evidence and decide if Jesus is who the Bible says He is…but the final deciding factor will be if you have already decided that God the Spirit exists, with your spirit.

finally, considering the events that are to occur with the coming of Christ that nobody will be able to deny (such as, i dunno, stars falling from the sky), i think it is entirely irrational to believe that you are Him. and much as i value faith because it is above and beyond rational things, i think that faith that is entirely irrational is pure whimsy. however, good luck trying to prove that.

these sound like the endless, tiresome arguments–i mean, uh, “discussions” held in our little circle of the od…and jade (smartask24) is back home now, so it wouldn’t be surprising if they started again… [xalvadora]

March 20, 2004

*ponders* maybe you are the anti-christ… *raises eyebrow*

March 21, 2004

Uggh knock the Anti-Christ thing that really bugs me the Anti-Christ has to be from Western Europe and all he talks about is world peace and then brings 7 years of peace and then comes chaos.