Picture Proof that God cannot exist.

The following sock pictures are definitive proof that God does not exist.

I did my laundry and came back with 6 different individual socks. The following pictures show the proof: (Located here: http://www.angelfire.com/rebellion2/whatawickedwit/ if you can’t see the pictures)

The picture of all 6 individual socks. Note the 4 socks with grey heels and toes and the 2 plain white.

Close-up of the 2 white socks, note the differing heights of the socks.

Notice that the first two socks, while similar in height are not the same. Also, there is a green band across the toe of the left sock. The 3rd sock is obviously nowhere near the same height as the first two.

Close-up of the BUM sock.

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and why does this prove that God dosnt exist…that makes no since ya know!

Those photos are clearly forgeries. Proving that Vishnu exists, at least.

March 15, 2004

im confused…..God has to do with socks because??? lol

March 15, 2004

Hahaha. Wow. This could however be the work of a vengeful God 🙂

haha. well you got me there. socks with no mates…what’s next?

March 15, 2004

What a break through!

i have to agree with swandive, i think thats proof that some sort of terrible and malevolent force is at work. LOL 🙂

lol. that’s amazing. maybe god will see your page and decide to return your socks?

I agree about the vengeful God comment. It is possible that all the gods, sick of hearing you try and prove they don’t exist, have decided to make your life vaguely more inconvenient than before. FEAR THE GODS!!

definatley agree with swandive and littlelizare!!

March 15, 2004

This is hilarious, but hardly a decisive proof. I’m giggling here. Highly amusing.

March 15, 2004

I WOULD call it a decisive proof of both Murphy’s Law and the law of entropy.

oh wow…I haven’t laughed this hard in I danno when…ty..ty ty ty for the laugh I def needed it.

i am God and I have your socks…give me $50,000 and then you can have them back.

March 15, 2004

funnyass. maybe gOd is stealing ur socks to punish you

I know where your socks go… http://www.angelfire.com/mo2/evilsockmonkey/

Hey dude, I’m a Christian and I admire you(in a non-sarcastic way). I thank God for people who think outside of the box and challenge Him. God has power too. If feets excite you, He’ll show you a few. You can even learn and use them. If you’re interested, I bet you’ll discover some pretty awesome wonders that are even cooler than raising a couple of dirty socks…. I know a few dead people. later

March 16, 2004

I love it. The reason for religion is so people can make sence when there isn’t any. But the socks prove there is a heaven as one of the mates went to visit the mate of some other and now they are waiting in heaven.

I wrote an essay on why socks always disappear in the dryer when I was in high school. This may be your best entry yet. 🙂

March 16, 2004

ryn: my names on the site are blondiekt and blondiekt2 please give me a yes!! 😀 have a good one

You have an interesting imagination…but I think it will take more than the death of socks to destroy my beliefs.

and how does that prove that God doesn’t exist??

God sounds like a whisper…it’s hard to tell the gender. (Wish I had some supercool zen sounding answer)

March 16, 2004

huh. well.. that is a very random thought. it’s intriguing that you have the time to take pictures of socks. thanks for your note.. i think. though, some people are not going to believe this stuff.

The point you tried to make eluded me till I read the comments… SO DANG funny, I busted up at it all!!! My opinion- definately NOT proof of ANYTHING except Murphy’s Law> but you ever notice how shirts & pants DON’T do that? Maybe because they’re not so small & can’t static cling to other garments to hide, or fall out of the pile while being moved about. Just a little commen sense, ya know.

Thanks for reading my diary. And thank you for your notes. I apprecaite both.

March 17, 2004

This is really funny… interesting approach. Later,

lol, maybe GOD is taking away ur socks to punish u… anyways i think u r being disrespectful to GOD … thats not very nice.. u shouldnt b proving anythin when u know da truth and we all know that GOD exists.

March 18, 2004

nonono, see, there are leprechauns. they steal the socks for… well, i’m not entirely sure what for… but it’s the leprechauns! god just thinks it’s funny

March 18, 2004

The underpants gnomes have expanded their business.

March 18, 2004

You didn’t say whether you had put ANY socks into the dryer?? Was this a new creation thing?

ha! it’s the sock devil’s doing.

March 18, 2004

You need some new socks, dude! And when you get new ones, you THROW THE OLD ONES AWAY! 🙂 —

March 18, 2004

What’s funny is that no one got what you were saying. Think of it like this. This rock i hold in my hand repels Lions. How does it repel lions Jeff Well, do you see any lions around? No, but that is no proof. Sure it is, obviously now that i have the rock, there are no lions around. But if you get ridof the rock there wont be any lions. are you sure? want to risk it? its all a game of chance

March 18, 2004

The notes made this entry more than worth it.

uhh.. kinda strange.. god and socks.. hmm.. buddah and what.. pop tarts? i dont really get the point here. there is NO philosophy behind any of this.. good attempt though. by the way, the only thing your entry made me do was shiver in my seat because I HATE FEET!! ewwww alz i can say to you is look beyond the socks buddy to find god! .. it may not get your anywhere, but it may help. go to church!

Don’t tell me you never saw the Rocco’s Modern Life that explains this mystery..

Doesn’t BUM stand for Big Ugly Man?

March 18, 2004

It’s clear that if we think dialectically, A is not always equal to A; your sock is still your sock, but it won’t be identical to the previous instance of your sock. *smiles*

I understand Jeffus’s (spelling) analogy with the rock, however, I do not see how it relates to the missing socks.

March 18, 2004

That B.U.M. note was funny! —

Of course there is a God. He merely took them to Sock Heaven.

lmao i’m a christian though…so i’m not “allowed” to find this funny… but oh well, i do (not signed in…od is being a crackwhore to me again) [xalvadora]

March 18, 2004

Not only do I not get it, but I also don’t get why someone would nominate this to RC because they think it’s even halfway serious philosophy. *eye roll*

god is a sock!

this made me laugh. but i have to agree with some of your above noters that it seems more like proof of a vengeful god.

March 19, 2004

I don’t know about proving God one way or another, but it proves you need more to do! ha!

March 21, 2004

The lack of your socks existence does not proove the lack of God’s existence. And that sentence can’t even stand up by itsel because you know your socks exist because you bought them. IF you lost them it’s your fault and actions have consequences. God’s not going to magically help you out when you do something stupid unless you ask Him to and you don’t believe in Him so how can you genuinely

March 21, 2004

ask Him for help? This is impossible to argue because it’s stupid and doesn’t have a base or continuim or constent. It prooves nothing and I’m thinking you know this.

March 21, 2004

You obviously forgot about the parallel universe of mismatched socks. All the matches for your socks are out there…somewhere. Didn’t the X files do an episode about that?


March 22, 2004

Hey!! Those are MY socks!!!!

March 26, 2004

just wear sandals.

March 27, 2004

Hahaha. There is no sock, Neo. 😉

April 8, 2004


April 20, 2004

WAIT! Those are the missing mates of my husband’s socks! Dis is proof of de Debil at woik!