Being Jesus means that I’m going to offend some…

“I am quit offended by your claims to be the incarntion of my lord and savior Jesus Christ. The very fact that you claim to be the incarnation implies that he is dead, which is not the case. Yes, Jesus Christ was killed 2,00 years ago and put in a tomb. BUT, he rose again three days later and ascended to heaven where he now remains as part of God.

Let me warn you, God does not deal kindly with blasphemers and unbelievers. If you do not repent and call out to God YOU WILL spend eternity in hell, where there will be “weeping and gnashing of teets.” I will pray for you.


1. You think that the Jews were not offended by my first appearance on earth 2,000 years ago? I had a lot of unpopular things to say the first go around. You have to have faith in me.

2. I think you’re thinking of reincarnation – where I die but my spirit goes to a new body.

3. No, I am not nor ever was any more a part of God than anyone else. Common misconception though.

4. God doesn’t like it when you speak on His behalf.

5. God doesn’t want your prayers, He gets annoyed by them. Direct them to me. You must have faith.

You came back! Just like I thought you would! [XianTheist]

It’s true, however, don’t get too excited. The Jews were wanting the messiah to come, but didn’t like what they got (Me version 1.0).

Now the Christians wanted me back, but they won’t like what they get (Me version 2.3).

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It’s one thing to debate religion… it’s another to be insulting. Blasphemy is insulting. It’s just mean.

March 5, 2004

And of course, Jesus was a Jew. The rest of the Jews weren’t offended by Jesus for 30+ years. It was only when he confronted them that they disliked him. And through all that, he remained thoroughly Jewish, as were all his followers, his disciples, the amharetz, etc. Nationality was an issue that never would have come up in the conflict between Jesus and the Jewish authorities.

March 5, 2004

It’s an interesting approach. They accept the words of the bible without question, but you try that same approach, they raise questions and doubts. It’s a shame they can’t point this same doubt and original thought towards the religion that inhibits them… Later my leige… 😉

Heh heh heh eh heh heh… “Gnashing of teets,” eh? Sounds like fun to me!

March 7, 2004

2.3? *blink* Ah well, guess it doesn’t matter as long as you’re back. … … Can I hump your leg?

If you want to debate, fine. But, now you are just being rude and ignorant. And no one listens to an ignoramus.

March 8, 2004

Jesus is the one the world loves to hate. Why? B/c he says give up your worldly things for me. Leave everything for me. People hate submission, and they want to control their own life. They think they have a right to live even through all their selfishness, hate, and ignorance. ~

You used to have smart, logical arguements…my respect for you has greatly declined since your recent insulting mockery.

you are too cute. did yo know God made you that way. Jesus said whoever denies me on earth i will deny before my heavenly Father. i would watch yourself. God has a way of softing even the hardest of hearts. He will always be knocking all you have to do is open your hearts door and let him in. He loves you no matter what,but He is a jealous God and will not settle for less. „©„©„©

March 13, 2004

I would really like to see some “gnashing of teets”. No matter how hard ai try, I can’t get my breasts to do much more than jiggle and heave. “Jewish” books do not imply not “anti-Semitic” in the least. (let me know when you’ve figured out all the negations, I couldn’t figure out another way of writing it). ” An excellent point, I never thought about that–lots of self-hating Jews out there.

March 14, 2004

My daughter and I laughed at the “teets” and many of the notes. Peter is great. It has always been my contention that when Jesus said to follow he was trying to tell people that the savior is within each of us. He called us brother and left the admonishment that we should treat everyone as him. Jesus 2.3 when will people learn. You have more faith than any that God will love us all or none

This is one of the worst diaries I’ve read. Fine if you don’t believe in God but what your doing and saying is totally sick. And you sir are definately not Jesus.

March 15, 2004

Jesus will return to take his people home. If you were him, then you’d already be gone again by now… Offended by your writings? No, I’m not… God gave you a mind of your own, after all even Lucifer was an angel at one point. It seems to me you are mocking one religion… if you want religion debate then you would talk about them all, not just focus on Christianity.

HEY ANONOMOUS DREAMER: he’s clearly fighting against all God’s attempts to get his attention, and decided to make himself the point instead…. and a very dull point it is! *giggles*- I had to say it! Nuthin’ against you BUM, I understand you’re using this, like the rest of us, as an outlet. I hope you see the truth before you die, though; Remember: tomorrow isn’t promised to any man, so watch out