I am not that girl anymore

February 15, 2012 was the last entry I wrote.

I don’t remember if I just stopped or if OD went offline at that point, it doesn’t really matter suppose.

I reopened my OD hoping that the poetry I wrote here was still there, and it was! TY OD! The result of me looking for the poetry was that I had to go back to the beginning and go through every entry.  Some entries I read some I just skimmed, it was like a little walk down memory lane.  The result was not really a revelation per say, it was more like putting a couple drops of clear eyes in my hind sight.  Hind sight is definitely 20/20. I shook my head through a lot those entries and now that I’m done reading them all I can think is I am not that woman anymore.

I am glad that I have changed.  Of course the diary was started in ’09 so I would hope that I had changed between then and now! Ten years is a long time to not change in any way.  So I shake my head at the immature girl (even in my 30’s- guess I’m a late bloomer) that I was and smile at the woman I have become.

I finally grew up, even if it did take a lot of growing pains.  If you had known me then and still knew me today you’d recognize me physically but the girl I was is nothing like the woman that I am. So good for me not being that girl anymore.

I’ll have to sift through all the changes that OD has made and figure out how to set those old entries to private. That girl is gone and she’ll never come back,  I remember her and that’s enough for me.

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May 8, 2018

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