
My job is going great.  I’m so far up to 13 an hour, with a $2 an hour raise scheduled for the second week in August.  I enjoy working there too.  Aside from most of the other chemists being a little bit weird in their little scientist sort of way, it’s pretty nice.

On the 4th of July, I saw the Disneyland fireworks.  They were spectacular.  I’m ruined for any other fireworks show now.

I’ve also become completely addicted to the Nintendo DS.  I love it.  I can’t wait for more games to come out on it.  By far, my favorite is Mario Kart.  One of the best games I’ve played in a really long time.  We’ve also got the New Super Mario Bros., SimCity, Final Fantasy III, Children of Mana, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and Pokemon Diamond and Pearl (Julian and I both have our own DSes).  Then for the Wii, we’ve recently picked up Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, which is an excellent game.  I’m looking forward to the new Zelda, FFIV, FFXII:Revenant Wings, and Heroes of Mana for the DS, as well as Mario Galaxy for the Wii.  Sigh…  So many games.

We made our next big purchase too.  An HDTV.  It’s coming Monday.  I’m excited to see how our games and movies look on it compared to our old one.

I’ve finished reading through all the of Harry Potters in preparation for the upcoming book.  In similar news, I’ve also read through the 4 Ender books and the 4 Bean books by Orson Scott Card.  Good stuff.  The Ender books are better though.  I think I want to pick up another of his books soon.

And finally, we’ve joined a gym.  24 hour fitness.  I’m so glad to be back in a gym again.  I’ve gotten so out of shape that it’s not even funny.  My fears of how bad I had gotten were confirmed when I realized the weights I was able to lift.  Or should I say, "Not able to lift."  It was a sad sight.

Anyway, I don’t want to spend too much time on here.  The heavens know that I spend an inordinate amount of time writing in this diary as it is…  Yeah.

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July 7, 2007

Raises are always good. 🙂 – – – –

July 8, 2007

oh yeah endless hours on here… stranger.

July 8, 2007

How bigs the new tv… (yeah i’m a size queen) HDTV is fantastic, you wont ever want to go back!