In Augusta

Well, I’m currently in Augusta for the holidays.  I just got here less than 24 hours ago.

I had completely forgotten the condition of the house.  There is crap everywhere.  I don’t know if I can stand to live here for the next 15 days.  It is so bad that in my absence, the crap has invaded my room.  I needed to move stuff around so I would have room to bring my luggage in.  It’s horrid.

Besides that, the fridge is completely filled with food that will never be eaten.  Things just get put in there and never gotten rid of until they need to put something else in.  Then that stays in there.  The fridge functions as a layover on the way to the trash.  The result of all this is that I am going to have trouble buying food for me to eat while I’m here, because a good portion of it, like yogurts, deli meat, cheese, tomatoes, lettuce, etc., requires refrigeration.  Ugh.

Then the computer situation is not the best.  I have my laptop, which works alright, but it’s slow and the Del, Home, PgUp, PgDn, End and Right Arrow keys don’t work.  I do at least get to access the internet.  There are things about my computer I need to work on.  Like I never installed all the firefox plugins on this one.  Nor do I have my bookmarks.

I do at least get to play Final Fantasy XII.  Unfortunately the TV I have to use is not in my bedroom.  And the TV gets poor picture quality.  Either because I have to use composite video instead of component like I’m used to, or because the TV just isn’t as good as my TV was.  Or both.

As for the good news…  Julian and I had a one-year anniversary yesterday.  That’s a pretty big milestone.  It’s unfortunate that a good portion of that time we’ve been in separate states, but we have at least talked on the phone almost every day. 

More good news is that I’m done with school.  I got As in my classes despite doing only the reading assignments for the first week, proving that I can certainly do the graduate school crap if I could afford it and still wanted to do so.

Also good news is that someone is moving into my apartment on the 5th.  Which means I won’t have 7 months of rent and utility payments to make.

Another bit of good news is that my dad is understanding of me leaving school, and he’s cool with me moving to California.  PLUS, I get to keep the car and when I feel I can afford it, I can start making payments on it.  We have to figure out the car registration, tags, and insurance deal still, though.

A final bit of good news is that I have my Stitch with me.  He’ll help protect me from the horrors of my parents’ house.

I leave you with this:

Someone tagged me for 7 random facts about me, so here they are

1.  Everyday I wish that magic were real and that I will suddenly stumble upon it during my day.

2.  I hate driving large vehicles.  Cars are fine.  SUVs, I hate.  Vans are awful.  I’ve never driven a truck, but I have a feeling that even the small trucks are disagreeable.

3.  I have gas.  A lot.  And sometimes when I’m out for a long time with people or riding in a car long distances where I can’t sneak the gas out, it builds up and starts to hurt pretty bad.  I need to do something about that.

4.  I’m gay.  [Don’t recall it saying that the fact had to be little-known]

5.  I like to sit in a chair in a kind of kneeling position, sitting on one leg with the other knee up to my chest.

6.  It’s really hard for me to have an orgasm in any position except stretched out in a chair, or laying flat on my back in a bed.

7.  I used to know the value of pi to one hundred decimal places.

I tag no one.

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December 20, 2006

and we thank you for that… 15 days will go by faster than you think… just sleep a lot. xoxox

December 21, 2006

1. I guess we’re muggles. 🙁 2. So do I. They should be illegal. 3. Ditto, though I’m slick about letting it out. 4. Thank God! 5. It’s so cute when you do this. 6. So I guess hanging you from the ceiling by your ankles is out. 7. Math Weirdo!

December 21, 2006

Have you tried Beano? I don’t know if your gas is food related, but it sounds like you might be mildly allergic to something in your diet. Try taking Beano before meals for awhile and see if it helps. Definitely bring it up at your next physcial though, intestinal ulcers also cause gas and I know you have been super stressed this year. PS: I also wish magic was real. Especially when I’m watching “My Fair lady” (not the musical, it’s a Chinese tv show) and all this cool stuff is happening. Balls!

December 21, 2006

hahahaha… You should get an exercise ball, it’s what i would give to my patients who wanted to increase the level of orgasms in their sex lives…

December 21, 2006

pi to one hundred decimal places? You’re weird. LOL

December 27, 2006

100 is a lot thats crazy! I know how ya feel, never usually go home for more than a few days at a time anymore… –Matt

December 27, 2006

I bet I could kill a guy with my toes.

Next time, just spend all your time in Augusta on Broad Street. With “The Metro” and “Room 9” and shops like “Blue Magnolia”…it’s really the only liveable place there, even the mall in AUG is painful. Tinereii