Wishes and Enjoyments

I’ve been giving some thought to my options for employment when I make the move to Long Beach.  For one, I might be able to get a job at a health insurance company.  Another option is to just get a job at somewhere like Target.  I could also try for Disneyland, but if that choice is made, I’ll likely have to get a second job so I can make enough money.  And then there’s employment locating services.

To tell the truth, it’s not exactly imperative that I get a really good job right now.  Any job I get is probably not going to be the line of work I continue in indefinitely.  My idea for the future is actually to get teacher certification and become a high school teacher in math and/or science.  Or I might try to get some kind of engineering job of some sort later on.  I really don’t want to do anything that would require a lot more schooling though, for a couple of reasons.  I don’t really want to spend much more of my life in the limbo that is school.  I also don’t want to be unfair to Julian, making him have to put up with me in a seemingly endless state of preparation for getting out into the real working world.  If I’m in school, it makes it that much more difficult for him to have the opportunity to also go to school.

Anyway, I’d like to one day write a book.  I may have said that before, but I can’t remember.  It will likely never happen since I can’t manage to have enough creative inspiration to make something of much worth.  At best, I’m creative for small spurts long enough to produce one small something.  I honestly don’t even know whether I’d like to write fiction or nonfiction if I do one day write something.

Regardless of all my dreams for the future, one thing is for sure.  Final Fantasy XII was certainly worth buying.  I’m enjoying the game quite a bit.  If you have the least bit of a fondness for role playing games, I’d suggest you check it out.  Practically anything Square touches turns to gold.  Final Fantasy XI doesn’t count.  That’s not a real role playing game.  MMORPGs are a terrible mistake and a blight upon actual RPGs.  But enough about that…

Another thing that is high on my list of "cool" is the new series Heroes.  I’ve heard people say that they liked it back when it was called The 4400, but I never saw that show, so Heroes is original to me.  I’m a bit anxious for next Monday to come so I can see what happens next.

Oh yeah.  I turned 23 on Sunday.  🙂

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November 22, 2006

Twenty-three is a GREAT age : )

November 22, 2006

Well- A Happy Belated Birthday to you. 🙂 – – – –

November 22, 2006

I don’t much care for Heroes. And Happy Birthday 🙂

November 23, 2006

i love that show. I love Claire… I know huge homo. Good to hear from you again… and your Another Gay movie is cracked out!!

November 24, 2006

YAY! Happy birthday! I turn 23 soon as well! AHH! 🙂

November 24, 2006

23? You’re so young!!!! Happy belated!!!!

November 25, 2006

RYN: Yeah I suppose Chris does need to grow up, that part is probably partially my fault. I have an inept fear of him “crashing and burning” while travelling the road to adulthood so in the end I don’t make him do anything. Does that make sense? Heh, I suppose I’m the reason he doesn’t grow up.