Back to Long Beach

Well Julian is gone.  He’s on his flight back to Long Beach now.  He’s probably getting close to Salt Lake City around this time.  I already miss the hell out of him.

We’ve made a decision though.  When I fly to visit him in January, I’m staying there.  Well, technically I’ll be flying back to Dallas again, but that’s only so I can get my car and all my stuff and drive with him back to where I will be calling home.  So today is the last time we’ll be saying "goodbye" to each other like that.

And I have to say, the day I leave Texas won’t come a moment too soon.  I REALLY don’t like it here.  It’s like they took the worst of the south, the worst of the midwest, and the worst of Mexico, rolled it all together, cut it into the shape of the state of Texas and topped it with chili, because that’s what they do with everything here.

Everything IS bigger in Texas.  Including the ego.

I shouldn’t get started on that.  A couple of diarists that I read are from Texas, and I’m sure that the insanity of the rest of Texas doesn’t apply to them…

But anyway, tomorrow is election day, so vote for the best man for the job, and when you do, remember all the news from the past 6 years.  Don’t forget all the important things that have happened just because Ryan Phillippe and Reese Witherspoon broke up.

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November 6, 2006

I just got back from Long Beach this weekend! : ) Never been to Texas. I’m curious though.

November 6, 2006

Any time I see RPG’s as in your “Interests List” I think of Rocket Propelled Grenades. 🙂 – – – –

November 6, 2006

texas was scary last time i was there!

November 7, 2006

awww distance sure makes love hard. but it is so rewarding when you see your special someone. and it sounds like you’ll be seeing a lot more of him shortly 🙂 btw have you tried ff12 yet? soooooo awesome.

November 7, 2006

awww, i’m sorry you dislike texas so much. i’m not a huge fan either…but i do love denton..haha.

November 7, 2006

LOL at Reese and Ryan. 🙂

November 7, 2006

I will never eat Tex-Mex again. Not good… It’s hot in LA today (93 degrees). I miss you…

November 9, 2006

LOL I’m from Texas, but I’m honest enough to admit that there are some pretty ugly-minded people here. I often say that we must have some of the stupidest people alive in Texas! I hope that doesn’t include me, of course! lol Jack

November 11, 2006

Hopefully things work out with you going in to move with him.

November 11, 2006

LBC IN DA HOOOOUUUSE!! lol COOL! I go to L.B. All the time!! (as in like I’m headed there in like 14 hours, just for the day)