
There are a few things that irritate me.  This is by no means an exhaustive account of irritants, but they are the ones that are plaguing me right now.

The first one involves Stargate.  I love the series and I’m going to have to download the episodes when I lose cable in August.  But what irritates me is when one of the scientist characters are going through a really good scientific explanation of some kind of creature, device, or theory, then another character cuts them off and ends the explanation.  I HATE that.  I was enjoying that explanation, thank-you-very-much.

The next one involves Final Fantasy VII performing an illegal operation and crashing on me.  I save pretty often because of it, but it still irritates me when I get set back because of it.  I’m ready to finish this game.  I’m enjoying it a little bit more.  I still hate the materia system SO much, but the story is kind of neat.

Then there’s this issue with GAIM (After AIM started having those annoying audio ads, I switched to the ad-free GAIM) sometimes not having a buddy list when I wake up in the morning.  Then I have to quit GAIM and reopen in.  It’s a minor hassle, but a hassle none-the-less.

Finally, there’s my mouse.  The left-click is on the blink.  When I click with it, sometimes it clicks two or three times.  When I click and drag, sometimes it forgets that I’m holding down and it releases the drag, then after it does that, it realizes it’s still clicked down and then starts clicking other things that the cursor is now over.  It’s really irritating and occasionally leads to programs being opened multiple times or files being dropped in random folders while I’m dragging it over to somewhere else.

Reading those irritants, it would seem I’m pretty lucky.

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June 23, 2006

you are lucky but those are irritating

June 23, 2006

I had a similar problem with a mouse once – i binned it lol – or, you can go into mouse settings and change the click around so that the right button is the one you use most 🙂

June 24, 2006

hahaha yeah i’d say you’re irritants are relatively minor in all honesty. doesn’t make them any less irritating though 😛

June 24, 2006
June 24, 2006

RYN: Isn’t it? : ) The ad is actually for a kind of juice (pineapple with honey) the name of which sounds very similar to “testicle honey.” I dick you not. And america thinks that asians are repressed. Ha!

June 28, 2006

You are. My computer doesn’t work half the time.

July 5, 2006

i was born in texas. i’ve lived there. and wisconsin, and washington dc, and hawaii, and seattle. and i don’t even know you!