The Return part 2

As promised, in today’s entry I’ll tell you what else special is happening at graduation.  But first…

I’ve been playing Kingdom Hearts 2 almost all day.  The only time I haven’t been playing it is this morning when I went on campus to do my paper for Science Fiction.  This game is so much fun.  It’s so cute.  I love Disney.  I can foresee myself playing it constantly for the next few days.  The unfortunate thing is that I’ve got about 150 pages I need to read so that’s going to eat up some of my video game time.  I’m debating on whether I should just read those pages or actually take notes like I’ve been doing.  Taking notes will just make it take quite a bit longer.  I should probably go with the notes.

Anyway, as I was saying Kingdom Hearts 2 totally rocks and you should get it and play it if you know what’s good for you.

In other news, I was approved for the apartment in Denton, so I’m just waiting for the lease contract and I’ll be all set to move in on August 11th.  Quite exciting.  I have to figure out what the hell I need to do in terms of getting electricity and internet and such.  I think I’m going to do without cable for the first year.  I’ll just download new episodes of my favorite TV shows.

And finally, the conclusion to yesterday’s entry.  Next Saturday, at graduation, I’ll be sitting on the stage.  Because I’m this year’s valedictorian.  Well, one of three valedictorians.  Apparently (only) three people got 4.0s throughout college.  That’s actually a bit sad.  Three people out of over a thousand.  I would have expected more, which is why I thought they wouldn’t have valedictorians in college.  But anyway, I’m stoked.  Hence the partying afterwards.  🙂

Now it’s back for some more Kingdom Hearts 2.

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May 5, 2006

Congratulations! : ) First note : P

Holy shit! Congrats dude! I’m not quite sure I remember what it’s like to get an “A” in a class…. 🙂

May 6, 2006

Congrats. I am very proud of you!

May 6, 2006

yay you’re alive! i’ve heard kingdom hearts II isn’t that good, but what do i know, i’m not a gamer

May 7, 2006

ryn: Oh I agree. And every scene in the movie Spike should be shirtless.

May 8, 2006

i just bought that game!! i’m trying to finish number 1 first though and then i’m gonna start 2. glad to know it’ll be worth it 😀

May 9, 2006

COngrats Mr. Valedictorioan! And so what if only 3 people got 4.0? That’s exactly why it’s special. If it were easy it wouldn’t be significant. I’m playing KH1, and when my best firned finishes KH2 she’ll lend me it. I did start off with her when she bought it.