The Return

It has been way too long since I’ve wrtten an entry.  I’m fairly certain that most people who used to read me think I’ve fallen off the face of the earth again, but rest assured, I’m here.  I’ve just been incredibly busy with school work.  If it wasn’t sociology and my professor’s attempt to convert our class to Islam (not really) it was reading stuff for my science fiction class.  Most of the time it was sociology though.

Anyway, as of today, I’ve got one in-class paper to write tomorrow and one exam to take next Wednesday, then I will be completely done with my undergraduate career.  I will have a B.A. in psychology after four long years of studying at two universities.  I can’t begin to describe how great this feels.  I want to party so much.

Speaking of partying, I’m getting a lot in right now.  Last Friday I went to a friends’ house for a party, then a group of us headed over to a local gay club (I’m the only queer in the group, we just went because it’s simply the best club in the city) and had some fun there.  I had to have danced for a good hour and a half to two hours straight.  I was so drunk that I just couldn’t stop moving around.  I was exhausted, but I couldn’t stop.  Anyway, we finally left and got back to my friends’ house at around 3 (I didn’t drive) and since I was pretty toasted, I slept there for a few hours.  Before that though, I signed online to talk to my boyfriend and let him know I’m ok (my phone was dead).  In the midst of talking to him, I had to rush to the toilet to throw up.  I made it all on the bullseye, then came back feeling a bit better.  I said goodnight and collapsed on a chair.  Three hours later, I got up and left for home and slept for another hour before I had to get up to volunteer at this festival for kids.  Smart plan.  Get smashed the night before having to deal with kids.  It wasn’t so bad though.  I only had a mild headache and the kids weren’t THAT bad.  Just a little bratty.

So that was last weekend.  This Saturday is another party.  Woot.  I don’t think I’ll be drinking quite so much this time though.  It’ll probably be a bit tamer, but that’s good.  I’m not used to parties, so I don’t want to overdo myself.  Plus, I think the next day is Mother’s Day, so I’ll have to go to church.  Don’t want a hangover in church, even if I don’t believe in the particular diety they worship.

Then the following Saturday is graduation day.  Aw fucking yeah.  I want to party that night too.  I think a few friends are considering going to the gay club again, so I may go there to celebrate.  Because besides the simple fact of getting my degree, there’s also something else very exciting that’s going to happen for me at graduation.  But if you want to find out what it is, you’ll have to wait until tomorrow for the next installment of…

The Return of the Silver Scorpion!

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May 4, 2006

Nice to see you back!

May 4, 2006

Yay for graduating! Be careful with that partying 😉

May 4, 2006

A fellow Buffy fan? 🙂