Last week

It’s been a while since I’ve written.  Last week was my Spring break and I was kept very busy.  First I went to California to visit the best boyfriend in the world.  We had so much fun.  I can’t wait until I get some long-term time with him.  I feel like we are so incredibly good for each other.  I can’t express it enough.  He still hasn’t found his last note that I left him.  I hid it well.  🙂

While I was there, we went to Disneyland (because I’m now completely obsessed with it).  I finally got to see the fireworks.  I want to see the parade again though.  That makes me happiest.  I wanted to see if there was a parade medley recorded somewhere on the internet so I could listen to it, but couldn’t find it.  I feel bad because he said he doesn’t feel the magic because he works there, but to me, if there is any magic at all in the world, it comes from Disney.

Speaking of which, when I left California, I went the next day to Orlando for a conference that just happened to be held at Disney World.  Specifically, it was at the Coronado Springs Resort, which was nice, but the color scheme was hideous which lead to it being dubbed "Montezuma’s Diarrhea."  I got to see the fireworks at Magic Kingdom from outside the gates (we didn’t have passes to go in).  It was the same show as at Disneyland.  I need to drag Julian to Disney World at some point and actually go to the parks.  Oh yeah, some drunk bitch threw up on me on one of the shuttles.  But to tell you the truth, even that was not able to overcome the joy of being at Disney World.  I only really got upset about it after I left.

What also upset me is that Isaac, who was the guy I drove there and back with told me he wouldn’t bring his kids to Disney World.  The poor kids.  It should be like the Muslims and the Hajj.

Anyway, I finally got back from everything and then had to dive in to homework.  I’m a bit behind, but I’m catching up.  I picked up Battlefield 2 and I’ve done enough that I think I can afford to play some BF2 with my BF this weekend.

I’ve decided on three things I’m doing this summer: a) I will play Kingdom Hearts 2, b) I will go through the first two levels of Spanish (possibly the third) on the Rosetta Stone software, and c) I will desensitize my eyes so I can get contacts.  That last one will be the most difficult.

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I LOVE Disney World. I wish I could go now! I’ve been there 4 times but the most recent was in 2000 for the Millenium Celebration

April 12, 2006

Glad you had fun : ) Sorry about the puke : P

April 12, 2006

i’ve never been to either disney park. I wanted to go when I was little but we never could afford it and now its so far away and i have too many bills to pay and blah. I wanna be 10 again. no i don’t. maybe 17? Yeah 17 was awesome. I’m sure i’d still enjoy it now, if for nothing else other than the gardens there. puke = gross.