
Jesus Christ, I’ve been tagged by two people for the same thing and one demands that I give TEN (10) things!  This just won’t do.  Oh what the hell.

The Rules

  1. Post 5 weird/random stuff about yourself.
  2. At the end, list the names of 5 people whom you want next to do this, and leave a comment "YOU ARE TAGGED!" in their blog and tell them to read your blog for rules.

The 5 Things

  1. There were days in middle school that not one sound came from my mouth.
  2. I was once suspected of being likely to plant a bomb in high school.
  3. Whenever I play a video game and I have to name my character, I name it Arek.
  4. Up until high school, I had encopresis (look it up) and as a result, I have personal issues with anal sex.
  5. My original high school valediction was censored for being critical of the school administration.

The Other 5 Things

  1. I used to barter singing for my brother’s songs if he would play video games with me.
  2. In elementary and early middle school, I would play video games so long that I would get headaches from not eating.
  3. I cry easily, at books, movies, songs, and even some video games.
  4. I used to have urges to hurt people for no reason.
  5. As a result of those urges, I’ve reacted to become passively peaceful.

The 5 People

  1. Ender Wiggins
  2. Siddhartha Gautama
  3. God
  4. Socrates
  5. Your mom
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March 15, 2006

Oh your poor, poor butt. Glad it’s better now! : )

I remember that. Your title during the reveal of that particular issue was an unintentional pun. And Ender Wiggins needs to reread the book. There was no ‘s’ at the end of his name.