Free choice

I’m not sure how many of you will agree with me on this one, but I’ve got another topic to talk about.  It’s gun control.

To tell you the truth, I have a distaste for weapons of all sorts, guns being no exception.  I don’t want to own one and I view them as an abomination of scientific discovery.  However, that won’t prevent others from owning a weapon and wishing to do harm.  No amount of gun control laws will prevent the law breakers from breaking one more law to get their guns.  Banning weapons will prevent those with good intentions from having the means to protect themselves from those will ill intentions.

The problem arises with those who buy guns and leave them accessible to their children, who end up killing themselves.  Not meaning to be cold-hearted, but according to the National Safety Council, only 762 people died from firearms in 2002 (214 were children, 0-19 years old).  Each one of those deaths are tragic, of course, but compared to the number of people who die from obesity, perhaps we should worry less about guns and more about Big Macs.

Why do we have the right to own a gun in the first place?  As the 2nd Amendment states "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."  Many suggest that this means ordinary people don’t have the right to own a gun, it’s just the state militia that has that right.  That may very well have been the intention.  That doesn’t mean that the people don’t have that right, however.  People get very hung up on what the Constitution says and what the framers meant without realizing that we are in control now.  We have the power to change what the Constitution says and clarify its meaning.  No separation of church and state specifically mentioned in the Constitution?  That’s fine, we can – and should – put it in there.  People turn to the Constitution as if it is some holy, infallible document that must be interpretted in the same manner as those who wrote it.  It certainly shouldn’t be changed lightly, but we must remember not to look at it as if it is immutable and infallible.  But I digress.

Why have the right to own weapons?  It is clear that our founders felt it was necessary to prevent the government from becoming too powerful and overwhelming the people.  Perhaps in times like these, we believe our government could never become overwhelming and tyrannical.  Unless we’ve read about the secret wiretaps and corruption that our current administration is involved in, of course.  I personally couldn’t bring myself to use a weapon against another person as I am a pacifist.  However, I recognize the need for some to be prepared to defend themselves in case a government gets out of hand or a criminal attempts to do them harm.

Certain gun control laws are necessary, of course.  A background check would be great.  One who has been convicted before of armed robbery, for example, has forfeited his right to ever own a weapon again, and we should do what we can so they cannot be handed a gun without difficulty.  I believe there are more good people in the world than there are bad people, so allowing people to have guns means that the bad guys out there have to worry about all the good guys who might stop them if they try to break the law.  We all know nothing is going to stop a criminal from getting a gun.  It would make me feel more comforted to know that there’s a possibilty that if some a criminal were to show up around me, someone nearby may be able to fight him back.

I would love to live in a society where guns didn’t exist, but I don’t live there.  I live in a society where there are people who want things and will use any means necessary to get them.  As I said, I choose not to fight others, but I will allow others to make their own choice to fight.  As I stated in the last entry, I prefer to make the decision that allows others to make their own decision.  If you wish to own a gun, keep it safe.  Protect your children from it and use it only in situations where it is necessary for your safety and the safety of others.  With the right to own a gun comes the responsibility of keeping the gun safe.  I don’t like weapons, but I also don’t want take away the free will and choice of others with excessive gun control laws and bans.  There is a certain level of gun control laws that are necessary, but others simply take away the free choice of the innocent – something I truly do not want.

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I totally agree on it all. I am not a big gun supporter at all. I actuall consider myself anti gun. The reason for this is that guns cause so much more harm than good. They say guns don’t kill people, people kill people, but when is the last time anyone saw on the news about a kid killing nine or ten of his classmates without a gun?

January 7, 2006

Gotta agree with you here. Just cause I don’t like them doesn’t mean that others shouldn’t have them. Somehow, I don’t think guns will be of much use when the government takes full control of the people.

January 7, 2006

My only issue with guns is that it shouldn’t be EASY to obtain one. Like driver’s licenses and other tasks/devices that have potentially lethal consequences (depending upon their use), everyone *should* have access to it unless they’ve demonstrated otherwise (felony or mental/physical impairment). In short, they should remain LEGAL, but there ought to be some level of competence involved.

Long live Big Macs! (I eat McDonalds a lot haha). And I want a gun. Shit 21 y/o fag living by himself…yeah…I want a gun.

January 10, 2006

I’m for gun control. And I’m against violence. Violence should be only used as a last resort. Why do we need to be able to walk with a gun? What are you gonna do? Is it gonna mean your not gonna get mugged? Hey you’d probably get mugged faster, cuz not only do you get money, but a gun. BYE!

January 15, 2006

RYN: To be honest I dunno. I don’t think I want anything with him again, he hurt me way too much and at the end didn’t act like the person I made him up to be. But I wouldn’t mind staying in touch to some extent. I don’t know, how he signed his email was weird. Make me think he wants to but isn’t ready to. Doesn’t matter I guess, I have new interests in DC. –Matt

February 14, 2006

ADDITION TO MY PREVIOUS NOTE: Dick Cheney should be exempted from the second amendment. Once you fluck up with a gun, you’ll likely fluck up again. 🙂