Books, Reunions And Other Updatery

I’m really tired. I don’t understand why.
It’s still relatively early for me, but I don’t know how long I can make it without falling asleep on the couch with a laptop melting me into the leather. And likely my cat doing something awful to my face.
I’m just coming off of a very pleasant weekend. I saw Avengers twice, once with my friend Trever whom I hadn’t seen in nearly two years, so that was great. And I ran into another estranged friend on Sunday and arranged to hang out. I suppose it was a weekend of reconnection.
In other news, I quit smoking eleven days ago. It was surprisingly easy, given how difficult it was. If that makes any sense. It took an effort, a big one, but it was satisfying to be making the effort, so it didn’t seem so bad. It has been a long time since I did anything difficult.
I was gifted a Kindle over the weekend as well, when my mom came in from out of state and gave me her old one. She upgraded to a Fire and so she let me have it since she didn’t need it anymore. You know, I didn’t realize how much stuff I actually did this weekend until I’ve been mentioning stuff that happened.
Anyway, I have a Kindle and I’ve been pirating a whole mess of books and I’m really pleased, although I keep thinking about the possible negative ramifications of a society that moves away from the actual printed word and the dependence on technology for such a basic thing as normal reading. I’m aware that the technology is getting cheaper and cheaper, but it seems like there may hit a point where you can’t really get books anymore but the e-book reader hasn’t yet become ubiquitous, leading to situations where only the affluent have the opportunity to learn to read, which is scary and one of the things that made the advent of the printing press so amazing in terms of human advancement, that it got books into the hands of everyone who wanted them.
Anyway, as I pointed out I’m quite tired and so I’m sure that this is disjointed and not making much sense. So goodnight.

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May 8, 2012

Avengers..awesome. I love my Kindle, but I still read paperbacks. I predict one day books will come with digital versions much like movies do today.

May 9, 2012

your rant about digital books made me really, really nervous. but overall you made me smile. so thanks thanks thanks always. good job on not smoking butts, man.

May 12, 2012

I love the kindle, but I agree that reading a book is priceless. It almost makes the words more tangible and the stories more real. Hmmm…I don’t know.