Thanks, Burger King

I really meant to write, but I’m just staring at the ad at the top of my page for buy one, get one free Whoppers at Burger King. I wasn’t particularly hungry before, but now I’m all like “Damn. A burger sounds good.”
I’m trying to push through it, though.
I’ve had a pretty solid couple of days, what with karaoke at the bar and hanging out with friends and such. Plus, it’s snowing and I don’t have anywhere to go, so that’s good. I do enjoy the snow, it’s just a problem when I have things to do that are non-mandatory. We’re not supposed to get any significant accumulation, and I hope it stays that way until after I’m done with this semester. Then it can snow all it likes, and I can just load up on supplies and look at how pretty it is outside and laugh at the poor suckers who have to go out in it.
So I have a cat, which is weird because I hate cats a lot. Like, two lots, maybe. He’s been here for like two months, and we get along okay now. He was my brother-in-law’s cat, actually, but he has been getting more and more upset as they spawn more children. So he tried to take a leak on their new baby, and so he had to go. When they called and said that if I didn’t take him he’d go to the shelter, I felt some sort of obligation to accept my new feline roommate.
He’s all right, for a cat. And that’s all I’m going to say about it, because I don’t want to be a “Let me tell you about my cat!” person.
Well, that’s it. This is a really sub-par entry, but I blame Whoppers.

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December 8, 2011

i’ve been that same way lately, damn those whoppers!

December 9, 2011

BK is the Debbil. Especially the chicken sandwiches. Damnit. It’s 7am and now I want a damn chicken sandwhich. See?

December 9, 2011
December 9, 2011

ah yes, i too have wound up with a cat despite having a strong hate-hate for them. he’s okay though. i guess. if i forget all the things he’s broken and the fact that he poops in a box in the house. etc. etc.

December 20, 2011

-the exhibit was amazing. unfortuantely it was the end of the run when i got to see it so it was PACKED and that always bugs me at museums. i like to have space and quiet but it was still AMAAAAZING. i have a whole album on facebook for your viewing pleasure if you’d like. i took a bunch more photos but didn’t post them all because i’d be posting the entire exhibit 🙂