
“No one is savin’ this town.
Fuck all those pricks and those clowns.
I know you’d rather abuse,
Condemn or slightly confuse,
Kick ’em all when their down.
And just for fun you’re gonna…

Smash it up, burn it down,
Tearing up the underground
You wanna live like a super villain.
Back in the line up,
Before your time’s up,
You wanna live like a super villain.”
-Powerman 5000, Super Villain

They don’t realize it yet, but everyone in the world is saying a silent prayer of thanks every morning when they awake. They are quietly praising a God that in his mercy has not yet allowed me to be in a position of enough power and influence to do what I wish I could do. Because the very day that it becomes possible, I am going to cut a swath across this world of such destruction that there will be legends of my exploits for the next thousand generations of people that cling to the broken world I will leave them.
Someday, when it is in my power, I will utterly destroy everyone that ever gave me the slightest cause. I will not feel pity nor remorse for these animals, because it has been proven to me again and again how rare it is to encounter anyone of worth, anyone worth sparing.
The things I will do will be atrocities, but they will not be crimes against humanity. Humanity is earned, and the first thing I learned as an adult is that most of the squawking beasts around me are a far cry from human. If anything, they will be blessings toward humanity, because I will leave them the rulers of the Earth, free from the foul doppelgangers that surround them now. If, that is, I find enough humans to hold to this idea, because if there aren’t enough to justify leaving them alive then they will just have to go too.
I have a feeling that I will not find enough.
Someday, I will kill all of you.

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Blah Blah. Your bitching is doing nothing more then show How much of an adult you really aren’t. You are more then likely someone who works in a dead end job, Like Fast Food or a Factory. You are only pissed because your life hasn’t gone the way you wanted it to. You dream big but never really go after anything. You are a child with no self worth because you want other to validate you, grow up