
Good morning OD. I’m on a high at the moment. I had a good run in the spitting rain this morning. I was obnoxiously upbeat with my kids who did not want to get out of bed. But they were good sports – under their layers of teenage annoyance at the world they are equally happy that today is Friday. H has been out of town and I do miss him. He comes home late tonight so I am happy about that. The kids miss him too. ~~~This week I purged 3 large trash bags full of clothes. 2 went to refugee assistance and 1 went to a neighbor. Shedding stuff feels so damn good!~~~D had a school project that I helped her finish on Wed eve. She had to dress as a character from the 1920’s. She chose Alice Paul – a suffragette who was instrumental in getting the right to vote for women and also made significant contribution in equal rights for women. I’m proud that D chose this character.~~~Getting outside this week in the warmth was extremely therapeutic both mentally and physically.~~~OK – after some disruptions, I am back to the keyboard. Feeling my manic mood wane a bit. Still feel good though. I’m leaving this place at 2:30 today. Not a minute past 32 hours this week. I have something I need to accomplish. I’ve put it off. We are in a state of flux at the moment with the new system coming on line. So my work is not getting a lot of attention. It will get attention if I don’t make some headway however. Story of my professional life……So back to it I go.

Have a great weekend all!

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May 4, 2018

Yay, I’m glad you’re having a good day 🙂 Choosing Alice Paul was a good one for D, good for her!

May 4, 2018

And a great weekend to you my friend!
