worst date ever part two
To make a very long story short, we finally found a gas station. He called home for directions to get us back to his house. We got something to eat there, got gas, and somehow by the grace of whatever you believe in, he somehow got his bearings and we got back to his house. I was just so glad that we arrived back safe. We played some video games with his brother the rest of the night. I think that was the last time I went out with him. That was such a reckless thing to do. To this day I still think about what could have happened.
This was not the only incident that caused me to break up with him. He suddenly started getting into fights and losing job after job due to getting fired.
I witnessed a very bad incident of him fighting with his mom in her car. We were in the back and she and her brother were in the front. He started screaming, crying, sobbing hysterically, and punching and kicking the seat in front of him. For privacy’s sake I won’t get into details of what it was about but he was way out of line.
One day he called me and told me he sprayed some guy with mace because he didn’t like the way the guy was looking at him. He says the guy’s friends beat him up and A ended up in the hospital. A was pretty much ok and he got the chance to play the victim. I couldn’t feel sorry for him at all.
Another time he was working at a job and they asked him to take the trash out. He told me that he threw the bag of garbage against the wall.
Another time he was sweeping the floor at one of those places for adults with disabilities that he frequently got into. He told me he suddenly started swinging a broom around at people for no reason. All he cared about was that they kicked him out. He didn’t care a thing that someone could have been hurt.
By the way I can’t count the number of jobs that he has been fired from. Jobs and programs for disabled people that were trying to help him, give him a chance.
He gave me the impression of someone who was very irresponsible and I didn’t think he was a very stable guy either. I want some stability in my life. If I were looking for someone, I want someone who can hold a job for more than a few weeks. I think that breaking up with him was the best thing that young me ever did. Honestly, I should have left him when he asked me for money after knowing him for only about two weeks. I was so different back then.
You definitely made a good decision breaking up with him. Yikes!
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