Why Amanda Todd isn’t real

"And as I looked upon the devastation in progress;
It hit me like a shit ton of bricks.
It wasn’t real. It was a fabrication of my mind, a mere delicacy for the weakminded to feed on"

Every now and again there are internet explosions that erupt from the bowels of hell and onto your screen like the bile of bits and bites that the internet can only provide. Most of the time, sleek internet trolls catch wind of the caution and throw out "fake!" and whathaveyou, but at the very root, we have to ask ourselves – is this for real?

Such is the case of Amanda Todd, the sorrow ridden teeny-bopper that showed some skin on her webcam, made a horrid little youtube video describing her misfortune thereafter, and eventually got bullied into a nice cozy grave at her own hand.

Now, I’m not that horrible of a person, I can be as empathetic as the next guy, but from day one this story just didn’t seem to make sense, and the more I read into it the more it looks like this was a media scam to warn youths about the shit they pull (and possibly catch online predators as well) Let’s take a look at the evidence here:

– Situation seems perfectly put together, from the timeline of her "sorrow-to-death".
1)Makes mistake, pays the price (warns teenagers of "online predators")
2)Bullied at school because of mistake (Strengthens first point, warns of showing skin to strangers)
3)Bullying results in taking own life (Teaches kids "hey! that’s mean and junk! Guess I shouldn’t do that!")
4)Put the rest together yourself, slacker

– Youtube account was created 3 days before her video was posted. Teenagers these days all have fuckin’ youtube accounts, and they certainly don’t just create them to post sappy videos. Perhaps "organization-X" was pondering what to write/post/etc before they pulled this off?

– Google image searches provide only 5 or 6 actual real photos of the girl "Amanda Todd". My point here is that there is absolutely no 16 year old girl out there that doesn’t have fifty billion facebook albums full of goddamn self pictures. Perhaps I’m stereotyping here, but it’s true and you know it. Just seems off that a teenager only has a limited number of photos, and that those photos are repeated indefinitely.

– A couple of days before her "death", She posted a video of herself singing onto her youtube account. This is not the actions of someone who is self concious, worried, or even near a suicidal act. Also note – in the video, she’s wearing a t-shirt, completely exposing her arms to show NO CUTS WHATSOEVER. (again, not an action of someone who is cutting)

– Facebook searches for friends of Amanda Todd all seem to point to ADULTS living in Fresno, California. Seems odd that a teenaged girl from Port Coquitlam, BC, CANADA can have that many friends in California (get a map). Also, her facebook account, where is it? Where are any of her accounts on various social websites? According to the internet, this girl didn’t exist until she "died".

– An anonymous user made phone calls to the school boards in poco, coquitlam, and surrounding areas. No Amanda Todd has ever been heard of.

– Media coverage has been international, reaching all the way to the UK in less than a week. The problem is, every report is read out like a troubled teen poster "If you do this, this will happen" "don’t use the internet for bad stuff, you might kill yourself!" Hell, some reports seem to answer directly to those of us screaming "where the fuck were the parents?" (http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/story/2012/10/23/bc-amanda-todd-mother-interview.html)

– No details were given in the first week, but the second week brought a spectacular amount of detailed coverage (not uncommon for suicides, murders, etc) however, if you read them again, they are laid out in such a way as to "entrap" pedophiles. One article stated that there was a video of amanda todd showing her breasts still on the internet and that a google search could easily find it. Could this be any more of an obvious trap? Read the articles for yourself – with fresh eyes.

– This exploded into the media with such an indescribable force, yet, thousands of teenagers have made youtube videos and then killed themselves….can you name one? I didn’t think so. Did you ever see much more than a blurb about it on your local news? Even CNN covered this amanda todd shit. Hrm. Seems odd, doesn’t it? Teenagers have been leaving notes/videos/etc and offing themselves since the dawn of time, yet one canadian girl does it and suddenly it’s a media field day!

There’s plenty more but I’ll leave that for your own devices. Google is your friend.
I have decided that she wasn’t a real person, and that this was a forgery, for what reason? To teach teenagers a lesson on bullying, To be a generic warning for everyone, To catch pedophiles in the act of searching for "amanda todd nudes"? No one can safely say, as this was a fairly elaborate plan.

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you’re an idiot. the only “facts” you have are stereotypes of teenagers. not actual facts. generalizations. NO, not every teenager has a youtube account, douche. nor millions of pics of themselves. it is 100% possible some ppl DO NOT. among other “evidence” that you not so smartly pointed out. think what you want and give your opinions but why sound like a dumbass doing it!

October 26, 2012

Apparently someone doesn’t understand the concept of satire.