The hollywood delirium

So my wife and I have had this ongoing battle of who is better looking,
Jessica Alba -vs- Mila Kunis.
This all started when I referred to kunis as the poor man’s alba.
She buttled: "But she’s clearly ever so much hotter than alba"
Followed by several non-influenced points as to why she thinks so.
Ladies and gents, I give you – Exhibit A: Mila Kunis
OK, she’s pretty, she’s got those bedroom eyes and the pouty smile to match. Small boobs, but they do exist.
Does anyone else see "that chick in highschool you’d have totally given money to fuck but never got the courage to say hello" out of this one? Remember what happened to that chick in highschool? She grew up and old and into disgusting.
This defines mila kunis. She’s one of the guys, someone to hang out with but never even think about fucking.
And all of those sex scenes, dear, WEREN’T EVEN HER. SHE USED A BODY DOUBLE. LOOK IT UP!
I think it’s because of this – exhibit A(2):

If the mere sight of that old man ass doesn’t bother you, you aren’t human. The disturbing stick legs protruding from her awkward body is just the icing on the cake. This girl is yucky, plain and simple.

And the clear winner, folks, is exhibit B –

Screenshot we all masturbated to when we were 13
Here’s Jessica Alba in Idle hands, a really good movie (and not just because she’s in it)
She’s got the right posterior, and as for an updated -everything else- picture?

I really don’t think words need to be said here. The winner is clear.
No fuckin’ contest.

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