Imagination and the age question

"That was back when kids had imagination…."

My job offers me unlimited opportunity to meet all kinds of people – in perspective – Contractors, electricians, regular everyday joe’s, truckers, drivers, and delivery personell. There’s no limit to who some of these people can be…Each of them a different personality with differentiating ranges of speech. Among my favorite is a delivery driver, an old man that constantly shoots the shit about the days of his youth, sometimes rambling on for tens of minutes at a time about what life was like without the digital interruptions of the present.
"We used to take these" He’d say, pointing at the large wooden reels used to store massive cable.
"And we’d roll them for miles….No destination, Just for fun. That was back when kids had imagination."

And it struck me right then…. Farbeit for me to be the voice of this new generation, and though I’ve been known to shake my head in disgust and mutter "kids today…."  – It occurs to me, I grew up in the most opportune time of technology. I literally grew up alongside digital communications as we know it today.
I digress.

Perhaps it’s not that kids today have no imagination – Maybe it’s that the elder (and hereon called "analogue") brain can’t see the imagination pouring out of today’s youth. It’s (quite literally) all digital. From flash memory to youtube video’s, Ipod’s and etcetera…..The imagination is there – You just have to see digital to notice it. It all makes sense, that if you’ve been born into a world of instant access to anything you could ever want, well, It’s not hard to see the youth today embracing these tools created for them and using them to not only exceed anything we (as the analogue) could ever have dreamed of, but to pour this so called "imagination" out into a digital display of epic proportions. Instead of physically pretending – the fantasy world is already there, on a computer screen, and all you have to do is type a few nonsensical keystrokes and you’re literally immersed.


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