To the cloud….or not?

So I guess apple has once again decided to use a trademarked name on their product without giving a shit about trademarks. When you’re a multi-billion dollar company selling overpriced cheaply made shit to mindless consumers, You can get away with that.

Evil? No, I wouldn’t say apple is evil. Just really, REALLY good at what they call "marketing". At least, that’s what I’m taking from being able to sell $150 worth of chinese computer parts for well over $4000USD.

But you’ll buy it, you know you will. You retards.

But that’s not what this is about. This is about the term "cloud". It’s everywhere these days, with microsoft, google, amazon, apple, and several other major manufacturers claiming "cloud" computing as the next big thing, One is oft to wonder "what the fuck is a cloud, and who the fuck came up with that??"

All it means is that you’re storing large amounts of data (or small amounts of data) on a centralized server somewhere that has an internet connection. Literally, somewhere in a large air conditioned room in whatever company you chose to screw you is a giant box with massive amounts of storage connected to the world wide web.

…SO cloud? I’m not sure. Perhaps "magical pixie storage of imaginationland" was taken? I have no real reason for this to bother me, but it does. "Cloud" computing is the most retarded term I’ve ever heard of in my life. It has absolutely nothing to do with clouds, the sky, or any other affiliation. Your data is stored on the ground, in a server somewhere. But don’t get me started on stupid naming, as if adding "i" in front of every fucking product you make is somehow a fantastic idea. ipod. ipad. icloud. ifuckinghateyou.

You will never, ever hear me refer to any kind of server based storage as "the cloud". EVER. And that’s a promise.

But if you do happen to meet the man that coined this term, You do me a favour and punch him right in the face.


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June 13, 2011

“ipod.ipad.icloud.ifu*kinghateyou.” HA! Couldnt have said it any better myself. And being poor, I get to be one of the few who can proudly say shes never owned any of those products! Yay! lol

June 14, 2011

Ryn: he did say that it happens and he’s not concerned about it right now. He let me know what to look for if I was to worry. So he was good, I just didn’t mention that part. lol