The kids aren’t alright, blame the parents

How I find such joy in reading the news these days.
This rant stems from the inspiring articles and comments made for the current "facebook rape" pictures bleeding through socities back door these days. For further reading, or just to catch up, Jump the link:

Alright. So we’re up to speed. 16 year old girl goes to rave, gets slipped some GHB or other daterape drug, gets pulled into seperate room and has several 15-17 year old studs rape the shit out of her. A few manage to snap some photos and distribute them among popular sites like bebo and facebook. Yipee!

You’re not beating your kids because…why?

Number One: 16 year olds going to raves unattended. This was a wise parenting decision.
Two: She probably dressed like they always do, really slutty, drop that shirt down, hike that skirt up, slather on the whore mask.
Three: So who skimped on teaching little timmy that rape was a no-no? As well as teaching little billy that standing there and taking pictures probably wasn’t the best of ideas?

News flash, people: Teenagers are FUCKING RETARDED. I should know, I was one. So were you. We all did stupid things at that age, and that’s a trend that will continue forever. Going to a rave dressed like a slut was a stupid thing to do. Probably snuck out of the house to do it.

But rape, folks, rape is something your kid does because he’s fucking twisted, and to be as blunt as I can: Because you couldn’t discipline your child. Little timmy or little billy grew up not knowing what "no" actually meant, not knowing that there is consequence for certain actions, and all because you "didn’t want to hurt him!"

Well congrats, mom and dad. It’s all your fault. I hope you’re very proud.


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September 18, 2010

Greatttt entry!!! So much truth here!! I see this all the time in what I work. “NO” is not even in most parents vocabulary. Let alone, spanking a child!! Heaven forbid we hurt him!!…Even says in the Bible “spare the rod, spoil the child”…this was greatly needed!! Thank you for posting this…Parents…”WAKE UP” Love u!! Let me hear from u sometime kiddo….