A Volleyball Day

This weekend and last weekend was Rebecca’s volleyball end-of-season tournament. She is on a team she’s played a few seasons with. She’s also played basketball at different times with most of the girls. Most of the girls go to a different elementary school than she does, but they will all end up at the same junior high. Last spring, there was only one team that was remotely challenging for our team, so this season the coach decided to play up a grade. So our team of 5th graders played in the 6th grade league this fall.

They had a great season. They lost the first match, but won every other one all season. They won their first match of the tournament last week. Today they played at 9 am and won that match pretty easily. We had a break then for a couple of hours and did some Christmas shopping. It was just me and the kids – David was giving finals today. So we went to the mall and got a few things for David, then grabbed some pizza and some orange Crush to take back to the tournament. (Her team is the Crushers and their uniforms are orange).

Ben and I kept score at her next match. We might have messed one point up, but if we did it was to our team’s detriment and we won anyway. I might have made us go to 26 points that game. The team we beat turned around & played another match. We watched, since we would play the winner in the championship match. It was an exciting match – it went to three games which were all very close and the third game, which usually only goes to 15 points, went to 18 since they kept trading points back and forth. (Have to win by 2).

By the way, when I played volleyball 100 years ago you only scored when you were serving. You could "break serve" or "side out", but you didn’t get a point, you just got the serve back. Now one team scores on every play. I guess it makes the games go faster. Anyway.

In the championship game, we ended up playing the team we had just beaten. I was feeling pretty optimistic, since it was their third match in a row and we had beat them once. But they beat us 25-21, 26-24. Ouch. Then, since it was a double elimination tournament and that was our first loss, we had to play them again. That time they beat us by a pretty big margin both games. So, Rebecca’s team ended up second place but it was still a successful season.

The best part for me (although I really do enjoy volleyball) is that we have a few weeks off until basketball starts!

Here are a couple of pictures from a 5K the girls did this fall. Ben & I did a one mile walk.

My father-in-law, Rebecca, Courtney, me, Willow (nephew) & Ben in the front.

Rebecca, me, Ben, Courtney & Willow.


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December 13, 2011

Wow! 2 entries in a short amount of time! I’m glad. Congrats to Rebecca’s volleyball team having a great season. I can’t believe how big your kids are now. Ben was a baby when I first started reading you.