I’m Behind

Not much has been going on and our network situation at work has been SUCKING so I have not been on the internet much.

I had a good time in Austin. Spent some time with a guy I went to college with who works in the same industry as me. I’m pretty sure I last saw him at Kristie’s wedding, 11 years ago. So it was good to see and talk to him.

I’m also getting exciting about my 15th college reunion coming up at the end of October. I’ve been hearing from people (who’ve heard from other people & so on) and it sounds like we will have a good turnout.

The kids are out of school Oct 8 and I just realized that must be fair day. Maybe I will take them this year. I took the day off but had no plans yet.

I found out my new niece will be named Ava Elizabeth.

I’ve never gotten around to signing the kids up for any fall sports or music lessons. Bad mommy. I’d like to get Rebecca back in dance or gymnastics and Courtney really wants to do piano or guitar lessons. Those two things would probably be at least $100 a month though. It’s really sad how much money I make and it all goes right back out the door. David is paying off his laptop this month, and then one bill a month from now until February I think. At that time he’ll be able to take over the mortgage payment and then I’ll be RICH RICH RICH!! No, really then I’ll just have some room to do things like $100 a month for dance or music lessons, buying new clothes, fixing up the house. Things we delay now until it’s absolutely necessary.

If I could go back in time 10 years the only advice I would give myself would be to not get out of school with $100,000 in student loan debt and $40,000 in credit card debt. (Some 27 year olds would know this already but I apparently did not).

I’ve been thinking all day long today that it’s Wednesday. How great! Usually I’m a day ahead and have to get disappointed.

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September 27, 2007

Ava Elizabeth..that’s a pretty name.

September 28, 2007

We have Oct.8 off also but for us in Canada, it’s Thanksgiving. Hope the fair is nice. I’ll be eating way too much and then lieing around doing not much of anything! 🙂 I know about the music lessons. We have 3 in them and it costs us a fortune but hopefully it will be something they can use and enjoy for life.

September 28, 2007

ryn: Isn’t it horrible? That’s because we breath through our diaphram instead of our chest muscles when we are in the REM sleep cycle. The chest muscles are paralyzed like the rest of your body. It’s creepy.

Hey there! How nice that you stopped by my blog (http://donnainhouston.blogspot.com). I get back here every once in a while to check on my old favorites. 🙂 Glad to see you are well. Hope your reunion is a blast! Donna (Jersey Girl at Heart)