Buffalo Hump

So you can now call me Quazimoto or Igor.  Ok, maybe I am being a bit dramatic……

Two years ago I formed what I thought was a knotted muscle on the top of my back between my shoulder blade.  Sometimes it swells up to the size of a fist, but most days its golf ball size.    I had a co-worker who thought I was stressed out and she would come massage it.   She’d dig her elbows in it, and while the knot never seemed to go away the massages were always welcome.

The knot never bothered me much until recently.  No pain….but my neck was stiffer and I found myself trying to crack my neck a lot more than usual.   So I finally took my ass to see the doctor.  She presses on it and tells me I have a BUFFALO HUMP.  A large deposit of fat that will be almost impossible to get rid of without surgery.    Apparently the cause is usually high cortisol levels due to malfunctioning adrinal glands….which is most commonly due to steriods.     Since I have a few kidney issues…she thought maybe my nephorologist had me steriods but I assured her no.  

So she sent me off for lab work, and here I sit patiently waiting for results.   My own research on coritol makes me think that the issue I am having is 100% stress related.   The symptoms I have other than the buffalo hump are anxiety, weight gain, and insomnia.    There is a possiblity its something called cushing syndrome, but I dont have any of the major signs of that.  HIV medicaton can cause this, but that doesnt appy to me either. I highly doubt I have tumor, so by process of elimination, STRESS wins the battle.    

Sadly, I wont know a thing more until the 26th……………..    *sigh*

What’s a girl to do?



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