I’m back…I promise I am… really!!!!!

So, I come back to OD two weeks ago to say  "I"M BACK" but then haven’t been back since.  UGH!  I can’t stand it.

I am honestly going to try to get here every other day to write.  I dearly miss it.  It feels so much better to get things OUT of my head and onto "paper"  LOL.

Things are finally good in my world.  Here is the short story run down.

My house is almost fully furnished.  After selling everything I owned and moving to Houston 4 years ago, beleive it or not I still did not own a dining room table or bedroom furniture for my daughter.   My table and chairs were delivered last Friday night and due to some inhertance money my mother ran into, my lovebug will have all new bedroom furniture by this weekend!  

All I have left to do now is re-do my bathroom – it’s good as is, but i’m ready for something new in there.

My sister the nurse will FINALLY be moving to Houston this year.  I am SOOOOO happy!  She won’t come without having a job first, so I am in process of re-writing her resume and tapping into every connection I have to get her here.  I call it OPERATION HOUSTON 2010! 

Marcus is out of my life for good.  Don’t feel like telling that story anymore.  Bottom line is we got back together last year.  Things were AWESOME or so I thought.  We had plans to move in together, vacations, holidays…..etc etc.  He was a lying coniving bastard about all of it.  Lets just say he wound up conning me out of 1,000 bucks and married another woman a week before Xmas WHILE WE WERE STILL TOGETHER!!!!       Lovely,right?  Maybe I will write the story later.   I really do want to start writing short stories and essays about events of my life.  I may do it here under a new name.  We’ll see…..

My mom is?  was?  no clue what she is actually doing now, but she was or is planning on marrying a man in prison for life without the possibility of parole.   This too will need to be another entry considering she did not know the man prior to him going to prison.  She randomly found him on the web.   She didn’t find him specically to marry him…..but after writing and visiting him, it some how turned to this.  OK, I am realizing I need to write this story soon, because the short version is confusing.   I promise to get back to this.

Work is grand.  Last year I was on the verge of going postal.  It’s still busy, but I am on a solid career path and moving foward.  WHOOO HOOO

I also FINALLY got to meet my half sister on my father side of the family who didnt know I existed until a few years ago!!!

UMMMMM  I’m sure there are about 32859829058904258 more things to write about so maybe I will start the short stories soon.  I want to sort of catalogue events of my life.  My coworkers seem to think I need a reality show. I  still swear my life is NOT that interesting.   WHo knows……maybe i’m just used to the dysfunction and chaos?

OH one last thing before I go..   Grand total weight loss for last year????  40 lbs.  Im down 4 pants sizes and not far from where I want to be.  Sexy Nixx is almost back in full effect!! HA!  Good thing I spend more time in chruch now days than I do work or home, or I’d probably be in a WORLD of trouble.

Ok, gotta run for now.  I have  a new laptop being delivered in two days, so I will be able to be online much much more.



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February 10, 2010

Wow glad you are back…and also I am glad things are going so well. Keep up the good work hon!

March 27, 2010

i’ve been away for some time too! gald we’re back….:0)