Guess Who’s Back

Wow, has it really been almost a year since I last wrote?   That’s almost hard to believe.  But yes, I the one and only Dysfunctional Diva is back.  Lots of stories, lots to say just no time to do it right now.  Ups downs highs lows and everything in between.

WHERE the hell has time gone???   DAMN I miss OD!!!!!!!!  How are all of you?

I so wish i had hours to play right now and read, but I don’t.  I will be online at home within two weeks so OD here I come.  I’m even going to sacrifice my damn Facebook applications I am OH so addicted to.  OD is much better than Farmville anyday.

gotta run……luv ya like a fat kid loves cake!


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January 14, 2010

WOOOHOO Welcome back! Don’t go disappearing again we missed ya!