Blah Blah Blah…UGH!!

So things are changing at work.  Good changes………………I think.   Ya’ll remember the drama back in Dec/Jan where I applied for a promotion position and they gave it to "someone with more technical experience"  who in turn wound up being a clerk from Macys’ who just so happened to be the sister in law of one of the chicks around here?    Then in February we had to complete anonymous surveys going over all the good bad and indifferent in our department.  Then in March we get a new boss and the previous heifers that made my life miserable no longer have say in my world.
Then the new boss hands me a 250 bonus for all my hard work and ASTOUNDING feed back given to her by my law firms.  WHOO HOOO.  Then the week after that, we find out the department I tried to promote to is merging with my department and all of us will be be doing the same thing.   A HUGE re-organization is going on.
So the other day the boss pulls us individually into her office and gives us each a 6 minute and 35 second overview of our new job titles and job responsibilities.   She mentions I will be going from level 13 pay grade to level 15 effective May 1 but does not tell me what the actual dollar amount of that is.  Nice right??? *Sigh*   But the increase is due to added responsibilities – such as "rotating being on call to provide 24 hour support"  which means I will be on call one night a week.  And extra projects that are usually handled by others.
Today, I get hit with project #1 due in a week.  I have to write a section of the new Manuel being put together.   It is now my job to explain the entire procedure of sending out Welcome Kits, which is something I only did for maybe 2 weeks over a year ago.  It’s not that I can’t get it done, but I know this is TEST of my ability and skill.  I don’t have any doubts about what I can do, but I really truly do not like being in this position.   BLAHHH!!!!!
Moving right along…
My mommy sent me a Net Book! WHOO HOOOOO.   I needed a laptop and she had a 3 month old net book she is not using.  Its a Silver plated HP mini.  I LOVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEE it.  I just need to get broadband at home and it’s all set.  I think I’m going to use the Cricket Wireless USB connection.  It should work well for what I need to get done.  I still plan on getting a regular notebook laptop, and then will give the mini to my mini me!! 
In other news……
I haven’t been calling MB.  There is no need until I know if I am prego or not.  But I’m still not thinking about that right now.   I took a test last week that said negative, but its too soon to tell unless I get blood drawn.  But here is the latest with this fool.
Last Saturday night we were on the phone from 1 am to 4 am.  Laughing, giggling and talking like friends.  It was nice. We hadn’t done that in ages.   Sunday when I get home from church, I have a message from him.  There is Gospel music in the background and he leaves me this somber message saying he feels he is holding me back, he can’t give me what I want, maybe we should go our ways and not talk any more.  My thoughts?  DUHHHHHHHH and I crack up as I delete the message. 
I didn’t call him back.  But he sure as hell called me.  Nonstop all night on Sunday, all day all night on Monday, and all evening Tuesday.  Not just random calls every few hours.   More like 4 times back to back every 30 – 45 minutes.   So I pick up the phone and don’t say anything at all.  Not even hello.
He starts apologizing out the ass.  Says he’s going through something and he took it out on me. I say casually no problem – but here is the deal……
I tell him he brings absolutely NO value to my life at all.  He has not contributed ANYTHING to this friendship/relationship or whatever you want to call it.  I list all the things I brought to the table and asked him to name ONE thing he has brought.   He couldn’t do it.   He tried to tell me he tells me I’m an amazing woman. UMMM HELLO… I knew that before I met you.    Then he tries to bring upa back rub or two.  Again, I get get any man to do that or hit up Massage Envy for 39.99..  
I continue to tell him I have absolutely no use for being friends with him as he does not enrich my life in any way, shape or form and isn’t the one of the main points of friends?  I mean seriously, my beloved OD readers have been more supportive of me and offered more advice than he ever has.
Anyway, it messed his head all up.  See he’s used to emotional Nixx who had a HORRIBLE year last year and didn’t deal with things like she normally does.  He didn’t know me prior to a year FULL of ridiculous circumstance.  But the Nixx I know and love is back, and she’s not dealing with him and his nonsense.
Whelp..that’s all I have time to write about today.   But there is so much more I need to get out of my head.  Hopefully soon!

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April 9, 2009

RYN: oh i dont live at home anymore lol i moved out a few months ago, but i am looking forward to moving with him. should work out ok. im glad that you stood up to him.. he doesnt deserve your friendship.

April 10, 2009

good luck with the new responsiblities at work…this may be a test….to see how well you do…maybe something better is there waiting in the wings. Mb sounds like a typical “boy”. Your better than that.

April 12, 2009

Ya gotta stand up and tell him how it is. Hopefully one day he will get it together….

April 13, 2009

yay for the work thing!!! booooo for the other. what a putz! we need to get together and do something fun and wreckless.

April 14, 2009

I’m so proud of you! All your hard work is paying off, but of course they are gonna test you. Good luck, I’m sure you will amaze them. I’m also proud that you stood up to MB. He’s been playing cat and mouse with you for years and it seems like he’s never gonna change.