Snakes & Snails & Puppy Dog Tails…..

That’s what little boys are made of…..andd unfortunately the men in my life. 
As usual…there are so many things to write about and I have no idea where to start.  Maybe if I make a list I can get to them all.  My mind just races with so many thoughts.  I know I have 4 man stories to tell.   
Ok, I will try to keep this to the cliff notes version of these stories, but that is sooo hard for me to do.  Sorry in advance if this gets too long.
1.  Franz –  This a man who I dated well over 10 years ago.  When we met he lived in Tennessee and I lived in LA.   He eventually moved to Cali – but not to Los Angeles where I was.  He chose Northern Cali where he jumped into a relationship with another woman.  I didn’t care because I was in LA doing my thing if you know what I mean.  Over the years Franz always tried to convince me to be with him, but he was so full of drama. Constant evidence of other women. Too many stories to get into.  Anywho… Franz and I lost contact about 6 years ago and a few weeks ago he finds me on facebook.  We exchange a few brief messages and decide to call one another.  For me, I was just catching up with an old friend.  But this was not the case for Franz.  NOOOOOOO this dude decides to tell me he’s in love with me, always has been, and always will be and we should be together.
EXCUSE ME?   HUH?   IN LOVE??  We haven’t even talked for 6 years.  You may be in love, but ummm PLEASE tell me how its with me when we have had no contact?  But here is the real kicker.  HE FREAKING expected me to come running into his arms and confess my undying devotional love for him like some cheesy lifetime movie.   Of course I didn’t and he proceeds to get the nerve to be upset because he didn’t get the reaction he expected from me.  I simply just don’t get it.   You were a man whore when you were trying to get with me and now all these years later I’m supposed to have feelings for him?  I’m still scratching my head on this one………..
2.  Kip – Another fling from the past.  I’ve mentioned him a few times before in my diary.  This the one who I dated – rocked his world – and it scared the living daylights out of him – so he "ran".   What could have been never was because he was a chickenshit.  I was upset back in the day but I am well over it.  Here is my problem.  Every 6 months or so Kip feels the need to call me and tell me "He should have never let me go" and "He wishes it were different" and "We should be together" etc, etc, etc,  Blah, Blah Blah!!!!!!!   All in all it really is compliment to me and my character and the calls really are flattering.   But HELLOOOOOOOOOO  if you STILL are not going to act on it.  WHY THE HELL are you still calling me and telling me this.  Again.  I don’t get it.  The calls are great for my ego but outside of that.  I find it pointless.  He called again the other day but I think I’m just going to just top answering.  *sigh*
3.  Ty –   I have mentioned him before too I think.   Ty is not an ex or anyone I dated, but rather a good friend I met on the internet almost 15 years ago.  So obviously we go WAY BACK.  A YEAR ago, Ty somehow met the psycho ex girlfriend of my neighbor Daryl on MySpace.  I tried to tell Ty the heifer is crazy but he chooses to judge her on his own rather than my opinions of the trifling whore.  Fair enough and I leave it alone. (Sidebar: My opinions of her have to deal with direct drama she has brought into MY life rather than what she has done to my neighbor.)  
Anywho…Ty all of a sudden plans a trip to Houston to and doesn’t tell me about it.  He does all the planning with skank whore and I hear he’s coming to Houston through the grapevine rather than directly from him.   I of course go ballistic.  I sat back and waited for TY to tell me he was coming then went OFF.   Ty has been trying to come hang out with me for 15 years and then he does all the planning to come here with Whorebag.   Ty and I work out all these issues and get over it.  He comes to Houston.  He gets here on a Wed night and makes plans to hang out with me on Thursday. We were going to do lunch and then go to this Houston Dynamo kick off party after work.  When I call him to hook up for lunch, he cant go because he let Skank B*tch take his car.   I go ballistic again.  
ONE freaking day and he cant put her aside to hang out with me.   YEAH, I know this is all about my ego and thinking I am a better woman than her and that 15 years of friendship would give me some sort of seniority with TY.   But damnit……that chick is  T R I F I L I N G and I am FAR from that.
4.  MB – This topic probably needs and entry or two of its own.  But I’ll stick with the latest nonsense.  Since the start of the year, he’s been showing up my at my house every few weeksbegging to be with me.  Me being the horny heifer that I am, seem to always let him in.  We have done A LOT of talking and discussing past issues, as well as the effects of the issues.  We have both decided to put the past in the past and basically just start over from the beginning.  So its like we are in the beginning dating phase that never properly took place in the first place, which is why a bunch of the past drama freaking happened.   Things are nice now, we talk often and see each other weekly again.  We haven’t been able to go out on our "first real date" yet because he was sick for 3 weeks and he gave the crap to me and now I don’t want to be out. 
So last night MB calls me and starts asking when my last period was and what not.  He proceeds to go on about it being heavy on his mind all of a sudden that I was prego.  He goes on about how he’s not ready to have another child and if I were to get prego and keep the baby – he’d hate me and be pissed.  Truth be told, it really is bad timing for both me and him but there are SOME advantages of me having another child right now.  Anyway, he went on and on about how it would be the WORST thing in the world if I had a baby right now.  He even mentioned he talked to his father about it.  It was really crazy.  I was calm through the conversation, but really had NO CLUE where this was coming from.  I told him, that if I got prego I have NO clue what I do, but I would weigh and consider ALL option before making ANY decisions.    This of course upset him, because he doesn’t even want me to even consider having a child.  We finished our discussion calmly and got off the phone. 
So what’s the issue here?  Well  God as my witness this week I have been thinking I may be prego.  My period is not due until the end of this week.  But last Friday I started spotting a dark brown colored blood.  It lasted 4 days and went away.  Well, if you know a lot about pregnancy,  there is something that occasionally takes place called implantational bleeding.  It’s where the fertilized egg, implants itself in the uterus and you can sometimes have a discharge of spotted dark brown blood for a few days while the implantation occurs.  I of course did not mention ANY of this to MB.  He’d flip out. 
But the part that pisses me off the most – is that MB has told me MANY times he loves me, wants me to have his son, wants to be with me.  He’s said it drunk, he’s said it sober.  He’s said it at my house, his house, in the car, daytime, night time,  etc etc etc. And I believe deep in his heart he really does.  But somehow the message gets all JACKED up when it gets to his brain and he tries to go back on everything he says.  It’s like his heart and head are having World War 3 and I have to deal with all the aftermath.   MB and I have discussed this, and he agrees he has been back and forth, but that is all part of the crap we are trying to put in the past.  When I say we are starting from brand new, we really are trying to just start over.  And so far that has been GREAT.   But it really sucks cuz I have vivid memories of all he has said and now am getting a COMPLETE opposite story and it sort of hurtful.
All I know is that if I really am knocked up this is could potentially be a disaster.   Ok. This entry it LONG enough.  My mind is racing and I need to get back to work. 
Love Peace and Taco Grease!!!!!

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March 25, 2009

dang girl, you got a list!

March 25, 2009

awww. mamma….if you are, think your decisions through carefully…ANY decision you make will stick WITH you, good or bad, please believe me.

March 26, 2009

Girl dont make excuses for men. How dare MB come out of his mouth like that. he is not a 16 year old boy. And u dont need no man getting pissed at you for your decisions. He is trippin–im just saying. And f*ck the other losers. Men get on my nerves. Protect ur heart!! RYN: Ur only on New Moon. Haha so much has happened since Twilight. Yuo got awhile to go b4 she is pregnant

March 26, 2009

what a jerk he is for talking to you like that about the possibility of being preggo. i cant believe he even talked to his father about it! thats crazy. gurl be careful with him.. i could see this blowing up if you are, then his attitude will only be the beginning of things.

March 28, 2009

Wow what a long and complicated list…men…can live with em and u can’t live without em. Be careful with MB he’s no good for you. You deserve a mature grown up man.