12 more Days
Only 12 more days until my due date. I’m of course anxious to get there, and also extremely nervous. Been trying to cope with how much needs to be done before I get to meet my little one, but all in all…I think I’m just in denial still. It is so close but for some reason it hasn’t hit me. How much my life is REALLY going to change. I am now going to be one of the parents that I have been around for so long, looking in from the outside just glad in a way that it wasn’t my responsibility. I know that was maybe wrong, but I wasn’t ever ready for the toddler stage, but I think somehow this will be different. When it is your own child, and you had to make all the sacrifices for it through pregnancy, I think once you get past the newborn stage into that toddler stage you will somehow just be ready. More ready, if anything.
I am lucky to have Joe there to go through it with me. I don’t know what I would do if I was to be a single mom. I really wish that we could get married, but I want to wait until I know that it is absolutely the right time, and also I’d like to lose this baby weight and get back into a small dress size so that I will have a better wedding day. Vain, I know. You will never change my mind about it though!
Also, I am hoping that I will be able to go work for Franchescos after the baby is born, and not have to worry about going back to e love matchmaking. I definitely don’t enjoy that job and all it’s pressures. Plus, working only 20 hours a week, my mom makes about 400 there, and that would be PERFECT for me having a new baby. Plus its way more than I would be making in 40 hours at Elove. Sucks, eh?
Well, thus starts my count down, hopefully I don’t go overdue, because I’m so ready to NOT be pregnant anymore.
how exciting!!! i miss being preggo!! 😛
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Congrats on the due date! Babies rock! May ask, your screen name, “girlsLOVEguns”, are you a shooter? Thanks for stopping by.
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