my friends, your friends

 Last night Ryan came came over to hang out with me and Joe. Which, last night was my only night off, and of course he had to invite someone over. Ryan has been a friend of mine for a few years,  off again and on again I suppose. We only really saw eachother every once in a great while, but we kept in touch here and there. He gets along famously with Joe we have recently discovered, and now they pretty much have their own friendship without me. Which is cool I don’t mind, but I might have wanted to do something else last night besides watching the two of them get drunk on a bottle of captain and play video games. Earlier during the day, Joe worked and proceeded to hang out with my other friend that I introduced him to, Dustin. they played disc golf out at anapage park.. I went out and got my nails done to distract myself. I suppose all in all this wasn’t horrible, but we just don’t seem to spend any time alone together anymore. I wonder if he can’t stand being around me, or if maybe I’m just too boring now that party party party isnt on my mind.

Ryan went from being an okay drunk, to a WTF drunk in .00001 seconds. lol. We watched kick ass and as soon as the credits ran he must have lost something to focus his attention on and not only fell off the couch, but fell asleep on himself. Then passed out on the floor. I dressed him in one of my dresses and a hairbow, and of course took a nice picture.

Eventually we got mr stumbly into his car and drove him home, mostly because I didn’t need him there when we woke up. I like my privacy and having a guy pass out here, well, ugh no thanks. Maybe if its planned for an all night pass out affair but not just some random thing. IDK. Im rambling now. I should go.

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August 29, 2010

I HATE being drunk and getting dressed up in a purty outfit…I wanna be sober when that happens damnit.