What up with the 400-character limit?

Thanks for supplying me with some verses, [FarduiRassgat]. I’m making a new entry to respond because the 400-character thing annoys the crap out of me. Here are all your notes:

OK, here are some things to look at. I will be seeing someone who has more resources than me on Thursday so hopefully I will have an A -> B on it for you, but I have some of my own research for you. Rev 9:11 is referenced to Rev 9:1 which is referenced to Luke 10:18, whose verses read as follows according to KJV…

Rev 9:11

And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.

(Abaddon hebrew definition says it is the Destroyer, or destruction, and also references directly to the devil.)…

Rev 9:1

And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.

(In several places in the bible, star does reference to an angel.)…

Luke 10:18

And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.

(The 2 verses above reference this one, which talks directly of Satan’s fall from heaven, and in Revelation 9:11 it speaks of that person as being “the angel of the bottomless pit”. [FarduiRassgat]

I think you’re still making some hermeneutical leaps here based on preconceptions and footnotes that subscribe to those preconceptions.

We get from the two Revelations verses you cite that the “star” who falls from heaven to the earth and is given the key to the bottomless pit is an angel named Destruction. You propose that this angel is the same entity as Satan or the devil, who is generally referred to in Revelation as the dragon. The reason you give for this interpretation is that the angel Destruction fell from heaven, and Christ also mentioned that Satan had fallen from heaven. This only holds water if you claim that only one entity can have fallen from heaven. But Revelation 12:7-9, referenced in my entry, clearly describes an event where more than one entity fell from heaven: “…there was no longer a place found for them in heaven. And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.” If we interpret “star” as meaning “angel” in Revelation 12:4 as well, where the dragon’s tail “swept away a third of the stars of heaven, and threw them to the earth,” then fully a third of the angels in heaven fell from heaven to the earth, which means that a third of all non-Satan angels could be accurately described as having fallen from heaven. Why shouldn’t Destruction have been one of them?

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September 27, 2005

More reasearch, and an entry will be posted shortly with some other evidence in God’s Word.

September 27, 2005

its up. However this debate ends, I actually want to thank you for it. I have really enjoyed being able to just sit and go over some of God’s Word. My husband thought it was cute that he came home at 11pm, and I had 2 Bibles, our Concordance, and notes all over the bed. So thanks. 🙂

September 27, 2005

will respond as an edit to my entry, will let you know when posted

September 27, 2005


September 27, 2005

another edit to be posted soon

September 27, 2005

I posted

September 27, 2005

I mean I am not all needing to prove you wrong, and if I can’t find what I want to say, or say it to convince you, then it matters little. I have my faith, you have yours. The only reason I would say this is important to me, is because I’ve been taught the passages I want to share, and I am having a hard time finding my nots and all on them again… so its like important for me and my…

September 27, 2005

… understanding, but not because I want to prove you wrong or something. But I am enjoying this conversation with you, it is nice to have something like this with a believer. I’ve had diary pages open online at work, had a book in with me today, and I’m enjoying almost the added excuse to spend even more time in God’s Word. I enjoy it…

September 27, 2005

… and come Thursday, when I have a prayer group, I am going to ask my friends if they could point me at the things I want to share with you but can’t seem to locate. It has definatly been a blessing having this back and forth because the people in my job are not a blessing and are not into God’s Word or their faith, so its brightened my day spending so much of it…

September 27, 2005

… in God’s word. So like I said before, thanks. Either way, it isn’t like I want to force you to believe one way or the other, I just want to give my argument clearly, which I am having trouble doing. God Bless and Take Care ©

September 28, 2005

pReTtY bIg On GrAmMaR?

September 29, 2005

I like TH White, I just keep quiet about it.

October 3, 2005

ryn; I was meaning to flirt with you initially and have clearly done a spectacular job of it. I apologise for my life / diary being such a fucking state…

October 4, 2005

Anything John has that’s worth anything including his curry recipes he didn’t get from his fucking family, that’s for sure. It is partly your fault anyway on the lack of flirting, I came looking for a godless whore and found a biblical scholar / role play gaming geek. False fucking advertising, I tell you… John really is a godless whore, you know.

October 5, 2005

are you not on aim?

October 5, 2005

Hey, you don’t have private notes, unfortunately…I wanted to tell you something but don’t think it needs to be broadcast here.

October 7, 2005

I guess I’ll just have to perish of curiosity.