perfect snuggling weather.
It’s nights like this, when it’s raining and storming out (side note: I really love the storms we’ve been having lately. It’s so calming.) and I just want to have a drink and a nice long bubble bath and then curl up with fluffy blankets and movie, that I really wish I still lived alone. Either alone…. or with Mr. Dream Guy who would, of course, let me pick the girly movie and snuggle me all night. Since there are not many prospects in sight, let’s settle for alone at this point. *le sigh*
I actually am home alone at this moment, but my family will be back soon. I’m going to start a movie and frivolously hope I don’t get interrupted any time soon. In case you guys have been wondering if I’m alive and how I am, I should be updating something semi-interesting soon. I have to return to my real-world responsibilities on Monday, which will hopefully be both good and bad for me. I’ll try to let you know how it goes.